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Sick of being told your not a parent you don't get it.

Ninja chick's picture

Being a step parent is harder then being a parent. And how can he tell me this when he isn't even the bio dad he is technically just a care giver. He tells me things will change don't worry I don't want to loose you. But how will things ever change? The kids aren't his which makes me resent them, "which then makes me feel like a horrible person", I could Handel him not wanting kids before cause a least I thought the children were a part of him but they aren't. And kids aren't stupid they are going to find out. What happens if one of them gets sick and he nor BM are a match because he's not the dad. Does he kid really deserve to go through that. So I am here rasing kids EOW, thurdays and for the summer when the children aren't even his. I'm going to end up having to sacrifice all holidays so the BM kids have time to see his family and hers. So I get to see almost no family. I told him that I don't think he relizes how much he is asking of me. His response was we will work on it as we come and the kids are here to stay. Which I respect him for he raised SD4 sense she was born and SD1 he doesn't want to be like ok SD4 come one over and SD1 screw you now. Says it wouldn't be fair to SD4. Am I wrong to say what about me? Right now I don't want children but what about down the line....I find my self more and more sad everytime I see a pregnant person knowing that I will never have that if I stay here. It's the fact that if I ever wanted one that choice has already been made for me. He says he wants my body to stay the same and not get all stretched out and doesn't want the responsibility of another. The first two arent his. I'm sick to my stomach with confusion. Don't get me wrong he's not all bad or else I wouldn't be here. But this is a big struggle and I am still lost. BM is still a major issue with her being mean to me. If he doesn't start to stand up for me or allow me to stand up for my self with out getting bitched at from him I'm going to loose my cool.


Ninja chick's picture

Well she's had an Abortion while they were married of another mans kids she left him for another man she was fucking her boss and sendin naked pics to guys! All while they were married so yes she had that long of a list and that's just the ones we know of!

Ninja chick's picture

He's not much older at all I'm 24 he's 26. So we are pretty close in age. I'm not sure it's a controlling thing with him as it is he wants my body to stay the same all parts of it. So our love life stays the same. Plus he likes my flat tummy. Trust me I do to and the fat part of being prego scares me but there is a small part of it that wants it. I need to finish school and have a steady job before I do that though. At the least have my car paid off and my few debts I have. But it's the rasinging kids that aren't his and me having no chance ever I'd instay with him. Not sure I can even have kids to be honest.

aug2010's picture

If your man is telling you he doesn't want your body to change then he isn't worth it. Your body Your choice, and for someone to take away your reproductive rights from you is just horrible.

Ninja chick's picture

Yes he also says he doesn't want mento ever get fat cause he doesn't like fat people. As in not attracted to them. Sense he's said that to me I've lost 40 pounds cause I'm that paranoid of weight. Grew up with a mom telling me dont get fat and ugly. I am 5"3 and weigh 108... :/ to skinny I know.

skylarksms's picture

You need counseling. Pronto. And your H needs a swift boot in the ass.

What if you get cancer and during chemo, all your hair falls out? True love is NOT skin deep. INFATUATION is skin deep.

B's picture

OMG, tell that f-tard that you don't want to have sex with him anymore cause you don't want him getting all 'stretched out'! OMG I would love to b*tch slap him for you - WITH a 2x4!

Ninja chick's picture

Thanks A bunch for your comment it put a hudge smile on my face. I guess in a sick way I'm ok with his comments cause of how I grew up. I know that doesn't make it ok by any means but does it make sense at all?