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BM wont be happy with us!

No Name SM's picture

BM lives in another country and sees her daughter when WE pay to fly her over there. This year she cant go cause she is in process of getting her green card and she has to be in the states. So BM is flying herself and her two kids over here for a week. (this is the same BM who hasn't talked to SD since Feb until mothers day when SD contacted her) We had been asking SD and BM when she is coming over cause we are planning a family (vomit) vacation at the start of June. SD only said the week of her bday which is at the END of June. We never got a reply so we booked our trip. Just found out today, BM comes in the day before we get back in town. Oops! She is coming in the week before her bday unlike we were told. We asked, they never told us specific dates. We cant come back a day early either, its just not possible to drive that many hours in a day nor do we get a refund on our rooms we booked. So BM will be in town without SD for her first day here. They never told us the dates (we saw them on SD phone) so I suppose they will find out sooner or later that the dates overlap.

In addition, BM thinks SD is going to drive her around all week in her car, so BM doesn't have to pay for a rental. Well BM smokes and will have two young kids with her and the car is new (not brand new, it was mine brand new then she got it 3 years later) and VERY well taken care of. PLUS in this state she cant drive with more than one person in the car until she is 18 which is 2 days before BM leaves. So we have to tell her, tough luck you have to get a rental. DH told her today that she might want to get one cause BM cant drive SDs car due to her not being insured (trying to be nice about it) and BM said "I shuttled her around while she was young so she owes me and can drive me around for a week" Well BM... she hasn't even had her car a year and you want her drive you around everywhere for a week. Yeah, car is staying PUT in my driveway that week with the keys in my possession.

Any bets on how this is going to go?


IslandGal's picture

BM said "I shuttled her around while she was young so she owes me and can drive me around for a week" .. seriously?? You expect your own child to make up for you being a MOTHER to her?? That's what a Mother does - drives ..sorry..shuttles.. her kid around..! Good damn grief.. what a selfish bitch.

Tell that useless woman to get off her ass and take care of her own transport. Youse are NOT responsible for her.

..and regarding the timing of her visit? That's on her for not letting you guys know so don't sweat it. She'll just have to suck it up and make the most of what she has. It'll teach her to try and be considerate in the future.

No Name SM's picture

Yeah I was shocked when DH told me that she said that, so was he. She JUST started driving and I can only assume they will be going many places while she is here which is A LOT of driving for a teen on the hwy, in the city, in a tourist beach town, and where ever else they may go. While SD drives me mental most the time I never ask her to drive me. Even if we have to take her car for whatever reason, I drive just cause its easier and a nice thing to do. This is the same BM who forgot to pick up SD when she was around 7 at school cause she was watching tv! So she is NOT very thoughtful!

Yeah she doesnt speak to us, she speaks to SD and has her tell us. Well she only talks to SD every few months so we dont get the info we need. I am actually surprised she spoke to DH when he emailed about the car issue. She never replies to us. She will be SOL for a day cause I am not ruining my vacation for her.

No Name SM's picture

Someone above suggested to unplug the battery, I will be doing that. And locking my house and changing the alarm while she is in town. I dont trust BM with SD AT ALL!