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No Name SM's Blog

BM wont be happy with us!

No Name SM's picture

BM lives in another country and sees her daughter when WE pay to fly her over there. This year she cant go cause she is in process of getting her green card and she has to be in the states. So BM is flying herself and her two kids over here for a week. (this is the same BM who hasn't talked to SD since Feb until mothers day when SD contacted her) We had been asking SD and BM when she is coming over cause we are planning a family (vomit) vacation at the start of June. SD only said the week of her bday which is at the END of June. We never got a reply so we booked our trip.

Anyone ever just feel like screaming "WHAT IS IN THAT HEAD OF YOURS?"

No Name SM's picture

I told DH I was going to disengage and I have done a pretty good job of it. I have slipped once or twice but its brand new to me and I am not one to "not care" about someone. Its taking A LOT of self control on my part. But I have done good. After a week or two DH realized I was serious. He did not like this and told SD17 that she better get her shit together (not sure what would happen, not like we can send her to BM who lives in another country). He told her I am his wife and I will be first before SD anytime. That she is to respect me and that he will not tolerate it if she doesn't.