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Not SD related but still worth to vent...

not THAT happy's picture

My DH was unfaithful to me.
It sounds awful but that's the whole truth. It wasn't someone unknown to me, it was actually an ex-girlfriend that came back from the past.
See, when I married DH I knew about SD and knew pretty much everything that had happened with BM including the fact he cheated on her and that was the reason of their splitting (while she was pregnant with SD). For some reason it didn't really bother me as I was deeply in love with him (and he DIDN'T love her after all, did he?).
Long story short this other woman was fully aware of BM and SD in her way and still thought DH would end up with her and leave BM & SD. That didn't happen and eventually I came into the picture. Little before our marriage I found out some messages from DH to her (I found out it was her as I didn't know at the beginning) and of I confronted him, he said he wanted to reach to her and apologize for everything she was put through so he could start fresh new with me. AND I BOUGHT IT.
A few months after our marriage this OW contacted me and I discovered that this OW had also a D and that it was DH's, DH denied it (although dates and everything matched, the girl is only 6 months older than SD, etc etc). I agreed to meet her and the D and well.. I thought that she should have the same rights as SD (God knows I didn't want another BM to deal with, let alone another SD but that's what felt right at the time). So I was working with our finances and trying to get advice on how to handle this kind of situations (have DH accept his share of responsibility even if that meant a DNA test) when I found out about the affair.
Turns out after I told DH this OW contacted me, he contacted her because he wanted to know her reasons for reaching out to me, one thing led to another and they were having a nice affair behind my back for 8 good months. After months of struggling, counseling and trying to forgive, we reached to a point where we resumed our marriage and moved on.
I later contacted OW pretending to be DH and started messing with her until she really thought they were going to run out of the country together and start all over, when I came clean and felt extremely good (it was my payback).
Don't judge me, I know I acted childish and I know that I should've seen all the bright and huge red flags and that I probably decided to ignore them...
Few days ago, I was all on my twitter when I saw a tweet (being retweeted by some random friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend) and it was hers, it didn't say anything special, it was a political joke that got RT until it got to my timeline. I don't think she knows who I am (my tw user has nothing to do with my name, unlike hers) so I went on and allowed myself to read her tweets and see what's up with her life (nothing really).
I've been having this strange feeling in my heart telling me that what I did was wrong, that even though everything that happened I should've followed with my intentions to have DH recognize this child (and pay CS as is his responsibility) but then I try to convince myself that we couldn't end meets if there's any other CS in our lives, and the fact that this OW would remain in our lives pretty much forever seems unbearable...but still...
I don't know, I'm just rambling...


knucklehead's picture

So is that his kid or not? If so, is he a deadbeat, or does he contribute?

Also, I'm sorry to say, but I believe that your happiness and gloating over feeling like you "got one over" on BM#2 may bite you in the ass.
It sounds like your DH has a very clear pattern of cheating. It's a character defect he has, regardless of whom he's cheating on or with.

Orchid91's picture

This isn't going to end well. He should at the very least recognize and pay for his child. I am 99.9% sure he will cheat on you again. How can you trust him? I wouldn't be able to look at him without smashing his face in, never mind cook for him, clean for him, sit next to him, sleep with him. Not a chance in hell.

Disneyfan's picture

The BMs are two lucky women. They aren't stuck living with that loser.

He lies.
He cheats.
He isn't supporting one of his kids.

Why is he a good catch?

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

Put all your money in a seperate account first thing tommorow morning.

not THAT happy's picture

We already have separate accounts.
And he doesn't acknowledge this OW's child as his, and I don't think he even saw the child during the affair, and I know she can claim CS whether we can afford it or not, but I don't think she will, not right now at least.
Yes... he's an asshole and he did get counseling and went to a psychologist and probably I should have think about marring him twice, but I did anyways and after he cheated and got help it really got better. Turns out he didn't deal well with his parents divorce and the fact that his first sweetheart was shooed by his mother (my MIL is *a* character) because this girl's family didn't have money and lived in the worst side of the city and etc etc, took years and years until we reached the point where we are now.
So I'm not bitter on the cheating thing and I can actually make jokes about it and he proved he was reformed and now is trustworthy. It's the kid that sometimes crosses my mind and I wonder how she's doing and if she ever wonders where her dad is...
he still denies this kid is his, mainly because the OW was a slut and had many partners back then although she says she only slept with him "on may" which makes the kid HIS. I guess a DNA test would clear all up, but the last thing I knew after I told her she wasn't running away with DH after all (hehe sorry that still cracks me up) is her warning to keep us as far as possible from her and her daughter, I guess if she ever reconsiders we'll go for the DNA thing.

By the way! I saw her walking down the street 2 weeks ago while we ere at DH's hometown :jawdrop: , but that goes on another post.