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The manipulation has begun.

Not2Crazy's picture

So the teen girl has started manipulating her Dad and I against each other to get her way. And when I bring it up to him he gets upset. I refuse to let it slide because when she gets her way, her brother sees it. He doesn't say anything because this is how he's been treated his whole life at mom's house. The girl is the princess and he was just part of the deal. I have brought it up to her and her dad seperately to no avail. Should I bring it up to both of them together or just disengage from her now?


omgstop's picture

Been through this, OSD17 super manipulative. Luckily she is already set up with a therapist, so I called the therapist, and she and I worked through our ish there, and when possible, dh has gone two..all three of us sometimes just she and I and sometimes just her and dh.

Maybe try that approach, otherwise you and the brother will resent her more than you already do.

Sometimes I wonder why we bother at all, ya know?

ChiefGrownup's picture

I don't leave it alone. I tell dh flat out I won't live like this. I'm the adult, I'm your partner. Or I'm not. You tell me.

It's not all Candyland and silver ponies. Some things I let slide or walk away from. But the above is the underlying principle. We did a lot of that ground work in Year One of Marriage. So it's more maintenance adjustments from time to time now.