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Multifaceted post....a couple issues. Need advice, experience ect..

notastepyet's picture

First issue is after FDH and I discussed dates of when we would be getting ss's (according to his summer schedule as it changes from fall-winter) we sent an email to BM giving her dates and pick up/drop off times. We also let her know when we were planning to have the boys for summer vacation (FDH has to put in for his vacation time by February and we would like to rent a beach house for a week).

BM gets angry and defensive saying that my email sounded demanding and rude. I really wish I could post the email because it was not, in any way shape or form demanding or rude. It was factual. No nonsense. These are the days I have off and this is when and where I will pick up/drop off boys.

I got angry with FDH because after BM threw a fit and told him she thought it was demanding and rude and didn't want me involved in setting up dates and times regarding his visitation with the boys he did not see it important to back me up and simply state to her that as his partner in life and another adult in the house I am involved. We discuss dates and times because I work to, for us to go away on vacation I have to also put in for that time to be off, and who do you think is paying for all this stuff BM?! so, when we get home from dropping ss's off FDH sends BM this big long text explaining all of that and that I do have involvement even if she doesn't want to acknowledge it.

So then BM calls FDH and starts on her rant which changes from having an issue of me not being involved to stating that the boys hate coming to our house, especially the middle son who is her prince. He supposedly has made statement to her when he comes home like "mom we have to get rid of notastepyet, she's just so brutal"
BM was unwilling or had no specific reason as to why I am "brutal". FDH says to her that we have rules and expectations at our house and he's sorry that she doesn't. She says she thinks the rules we have a ridiculous and harmful considering the boys are "not used to them". FDH says they have had the same rules and expectations for 3 years, and what is ridiculous? That they are expected to clean up after themselves, not fight and wrestle around, be respectful and eat decent meals and not junk all day? She says that standing in the corner is a punishment they are not used to and it hurts their feelings. However she did say that none of the boys feel that they are being singled out or that I am "nicer" to my bios. Apparently it's an equal brutality.

Then there's the issue of her scheduling the boys activities so they have awthing to do every weekend we have them. We have attempted to be accommodating for the last two years and we stay at his parents so we can take the boys to their activities and watch them play. FDH does not want to do this every weekend we have the kids. How are they supposed to feel like they are a part of this family or get accustomed to our rules and expectations of they are Never at our home? Is FDH obligated to follow through with practices for activities for the kids? Clearly we don't want to hurt the kids by not taking them to their activities and missing practice, but we can't help but think she signs them up for these activities to keep the kids away from our home and as a control? She doesn't even take the kids to practice on her time, her step dad does.


twoviewpoints's picture

The time for Sm to get her say is during the pre-discussions with her DFH/SO/DH. Not during the communicating presentation to the BM. That part is none of BM's business. She doesn't give a rat's behind if Op and DFH sit for hours upon hours and pre-discuss who has vacation when. Who has what day off. Blah blah blah.

However that's where it ends. Having your FDH go into a long explanation to the BM as to why OP has some self appointed right to say and will be doing any of the communicating with BM is suicide in the SM department in high conflict BM dealings.

The lady doesn't want to communicate with you. She doesn't have to. FDH can explain and demand all you make him and it won't change a thing.

notastepyet's picture

I guess I don't see it as a big deal or confrontational as there have been emails sent before, with the same information, from the same email account. Only now is it an issue for BM....and that's most likely due to the fact that FDH and I are now officially engaged. Everything was quiet, no real issues with her or her having anything to say about what the boys go home and boohoo about until she saw the ring on my finger.

I'm not pushing myself on her. I don't feel like I need to communicate FDHs visitation to BM, however, like a poster above I do draft the emails, he reads them and choses to send them or not. BM said she knew he didn't WRITE the email because his grammer isn't that good.
I will not send any other communication to her. No sweat of my back. If I was wrong for writing the past email then why wasn't it wrong, demanding and rude for the other ones? They were written all the same way, factual with dates and times.

And yes, I'm aware this isn't a perfect world. I do not expect to be BMs best friend nor do I want to. But for fucks sake, be an adult. And I've been in her position, had to deal with a girlfriend who was not nearly as tactful as I am because the bd couldn't be bothered to make arrangements.

In the long run its not about her and what she wants. If she chooses to pretend like I don't exist then I guess that's her shit. Eventually FDH won't have to talk to her. Or play her little control game. And the money which she lives off of will be cut off. So I guess you're all right. I just need to sit back and shut my mouth and watch it all fall apart for her in the end.

My only job as a step mom is to be decent to my step kids and love and care about them and point them in the right direction In life. That's probably wrong to, cause I'm the SM, how dare I care about kids that aren't mine or share views with them that aren't bms?

Sootica's picture

As the holiday schedule in YOUR home has to suit BOTH you & SO the simple thing to do is discuss it with SO draft the e-mail, let him read it & if he is happy he can send it off his e-mail.There have been occassions in the past where if a certain decision is taken which will impact on BOTH our lives then DH & I have drafted a response together to BM but the important thing is the message is always sent via DH's e-mail or mobile.BM must be aware that the correspondence is not drafted by DH alone,specifically as over time it has changed from just rolling over & doing her bidding to being factual and not giving into her demands,but there is not a damn thing she can do about it as my name does not appear anywhere. }:) In your case if she is accusing DH of not drafting the e-mail well not much she can do about it as long as you haven't put your name at the end of it, she can't prove otherwise.