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Freakin' Tired...

nottheirmomma's picture grew a set and finally told his ex how he is tired of her games, manipulations and the all around bs. He finally stood up to her and you know..I'm proud of him. Even if he and I were not a couple..I would still say the same thing.."Set your boundries and stand firm!" Anyway..I have disengaged completely from all of them..somewhat from the bf too, as I was recently diagnosed with a disease that requires surgery and my health is pretty flakey. While I am happy he stood up to her, I know she has played PAS games from the get go and now..He will never be able to have a decent relationship with his kids..oh hell who am I kidding..he never really did because she was always angry, bitter, jealous and filled with hatred. I am frankly exhausted from all of this trauma and drama and I know some would say.."You knew he had kids and and ex when you went into it"...I truly did not expect all of this crap. I too am a Biomom and would never in a million years pull the crap this woman has...It is all about some power trip for her. Since when does producing offspring entitle any of us to harm another human being?


Daddysgirl's picture

You need to take care of yourself. You have health issues- you don't need this stress. And yes we all knew that they had kids and ex's before we got into this... but I am sure we all expected that we would be dealing with normal and mentally stable woman, not psychotic control freaks that use their children to get back at the men in their lives. Don't beat yourself up over that for one single minute.

Good luck to you and you are in my prayers Wink

Anne 8102's picture

How on earth could anyone predict that their skids' biological mother would behave in such a way? Like you, I totally knew what I was getting into, but there's no way you can know the depths to which some of these crazies will sink. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF FIRST... let the rest of it work itself out or not.

~ Anne ~

Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)