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OK, Saturday morning camp was over and Sunday was dd's birthday. (Venting post)

nunya1983's picture

I took several pictures of dd with her friends at her birthday party. There were pictures of them playing, while they were singing happy birthday, while she was opening cards/presents.

I'm trying to post pictures this morning, and I notice SD is in just about every picture (as usual) she will see a camera and make sure she positions herself where ever she knows she will be photographed the most (ie right next to birthday child). Which I find humorous. Dh is actually the one who pointed this out to me about her. And good for her for wanting to have pictures taken of herself, I am totally camera shy.

I wouldn't mind, as long as everyone is happy and having fun, sure, get in as many pictures as you want. The problem is, she's looking bored off her ass, or pouting in every single one of these pictures. Now, instead of just posting the pictures, I have to go and crop them and make sure they aren't awkwardly cropped. THEN I can post them. But then dh will be pissed that I did that, and I'll have to explain that I didn't want to post pictures of SD that are negative. Then probably I will have to show him all the original pictures of her. So he can see for himself. She looks as if she's rolling her eyes, hunched over, sitting with her head resting on her hands with a grimace on her face.

Before the party we went looking at horses and riding lessons, at camp she got to ride horses and really liked it. She talked about how this one horse, that they said typically only the counselors got to ride, really liked her. She was worried that she was going to be scared of riding the horses, but she did really well. This was the whole conversation from Saturday to Sunday right before the party... she didn't let anyone else talk basically. So now it's time for something to be about someone else, and she gets so upset that's it's ruining the pictures... if your not having fun, go do something else. Don't be front row, go do something else.

Oh well off to the editing room.


nunya1983's picture

I always try to take 3 shots of each thing, 3 shots of the happy birthday (incase someone went full on derp), 3 of them opening presents (sometimes we have to tell one kid to quit picking their nose, usually a nephew(boys are so gross)), 3 of them singing or playing. You never know, but in each picture SD totally made an "gods when is this going to be over" face... even after dh told her to smile... is rather her throwing a fit in her room than be in the picture... some pictures I could crop her out of... I just didn't pay those

nunya1983's picture

Also to add now is her bm who gets to do the extended visitation with sd where dh gets SD one weekend of that month. Yay I get a break! Hurray!

Tuff Noogies's picture

you lucky duck!!!

sry about your pics, and conversation-domination. that's irritating and frustrating as hell.

nunya1983's picture

Thanks! After this next month it will go back to a few days on a few days off. I realize SD has a big personality and likes to talk... that in itself is annoying as it is, I can see she's just excited... but I hate how when the scene isn't about her she gets pissed... usually she'd be spinning around like a ballerina bumping into people or yelling at them to come look at me, come look at me! My favorite is when she yells, "I'm here! I'm here, everyone look at me!"

So as annoying as it is, her behavior at this party is a huge improvement than before.

Maxwell09's picture

Maybe it's just me but I would post them as is that way everyone can see what a sourpuss she is. At the end of the day everyone had a great time and if she wants to show her butt for the camera then she can be embarrassed at how obviously jealous she looks. If your DH complains about her crappy pictures then you can deflect and act offended that he suggests to crop his precious snowflake out.

nunya1983's picture

Lol that would be funny, but then if I wrote that I think that I would be called out as evil stepmother and mean, petty, and vindictive by many of the posters here.

Strengthh's picture

My SD did the same thing. Every birthday party she looks surly. Pouty. Dirty looks. even the last birth day I had for her. She turned ten, and she is sitting at the head of the table giving a dirty look. She has no friends, so I invited 4 of my kids friends, plus my kids. Everyone is smiling, laughing, having fun at a party. And there's the birthday girl, a fat surly you know what.

Strengthh's picture

Actually the next year for her 11th birthday, there was nothing planned by any one. Then for her 12 th birthday she decides she wants a hotel party. her mother is friends with a woman who has a daughter the same age. Plus SD has a girl cousin on her mothers side, a year older. So the party was planned for a Thursday night. (Summer party, no school for anyone) because apparently the girl who wasn't even her friend but was being made to go had a life and a busy weekend planned with her actual friends.

The day of the party the girl backs out. And her cousin had already backed out cause she said she didn't need to be there since another girl was already there. So her cousin was forced to go. Nice party. Even at a hotel and kids can't even be bribed with that. So it was just her and her cousin. And that didn't go well. They had a big fight at ten am the next day and couldn't even ride home in the same car.

So yeah......that's what happens when you raise an asshole. Nobody wants to be around your kid.