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Question: Do you think a judge will grant this?

ohxitsxapril's picture

I know a judge probably will not grant this, but just wondering DH's chances ( he thinks it is pretty slim too ). We live about 98 miles away from SD6. We meet at a halfway point with BM EOWE. Its an hour to drive there and an hour back. Just wondering if a judge will grant DH to have every weekend? Or if BM was okay with DH having SD every weekend, if a judge would grant it..? Just wondering what you guys thought thanks!


Snowflake's picture

I don't know if that would be fair. Maybe she wants to spend some time with SD6. Having the kid during the week isn't exactly happy fun time. It is usually work, and the weekends are usually the time where you can have fun. And maybe she wouldn't be to keen on the prospect of having to drive and hour there and back every single weekend because dad wanted to. That may intrude on her life. - Just a thought.

Or maybe she would like a break from SD 6 and would welcome that idea. Instead of starting a war with BM, I would have DH talk with her and negotiate. Maybe he could have Sd6 an extra weekend every once in a while. But I would sit down and talk with BM about this.

ohxitsxapril's picture

lately it just seems like she wants to pawn her off on DH, not every weekend, but like on her breaks and stuff. Like she 'has had too much of her'. I doubt she would agree to it anyway, because she doesnt want to make DH happy. So she would probably only do it if it was her idea, or court ordered. I dont think the drive would really be fair either, but I know DH wants to spend more time with her, thats why we are hoping he will be able to get more than TWO WEEKS of summer with her. I know SD will drive her crazy. but we are hoping to get it court-ordered when they go to mediation next month.

Snowflake's picture

Yeah.. I know what you mean. Bm tried to do this with DH. She withheld visitation from dh because she thought this would hurt him. But he just thought that they would be spendinbg qulaity time with BM. And they were driving her up the wall. But when she thought it was her idea then she was sending them our way.