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8yo sd on computer waaaay too much...

ohxitsxapril's picture

bf just lets her get on there way too much. He doesnt set a time limit or anything. She rarely even asks anymore, just grabs the laptop and fires it up. Sometimes he'll tell her she has to ask, but most the time doesnt say anything. he even wants to buy her(well supposedly its a family present ya right) a tablet so she will stay off his laptop. Thats when you tell her NO. Or that she needs a time limit. He gets her every weekend, and I swear if he doesnt tell her to get off it, she'll be on it for 6+ hours at a time. I just keep telling myself NMKNMP!


Gabriels Mom's picture

put a password on it. That's what I did to keep SS off my laptop.

DH doesn't get that you don't leave kids unattended with computers. DH, SS and SS's bestfriend have broken 5, yep 5, laptops. I've slowly started fixing them. I'm not a computer genius so it takes awhile for me to figure it out. And as I fix them I put a password on them that no one else knows that way they have to ask to use my computers. They are actually all mine. I had one, they broke it, I bought a new one, they broke it, my mom gave me her old one (1 yr old) they broke it, won a mini laptop at work, they downloaded a virus to it that I can't get off, mom bought me a new one for school, yep they broke it. She doesn't need a tablet she needs a book.

ohxitsxapril's picture

Yeah for sure, when I was her age I read alot. My mom let my siblings and I on the computer, but only 30 minutes max A DAY until we were about 12 or so, but even then it was only like 2 hours top. Not freaking 6 hours. I almost wish she would somehow break it then I know he wouldnt let her use it again. He's already saying shes bogging down the computer, making it slower.. well it wont stop if you dont tell her to get off of it!

Gabriels Mom's picture

Exactly! I put a time limit on the video games when I moved in with DH. 1. you will not monopolize my tv in the living room to play games 8+ hours per day. 2. I got tired of being woken up at 3 or 4 am by the sound of machine gun fire because SS was playing some military game. Seriously, he would get up and turn the play station on and said "I couldn't sleep" really? So I put a rule in place that there are no games to be played before 9AM and there are no games to be played after dinner. What they do when I'm not there I don't care, I don't have to deal with it. Though I did notice that he started sleeping longer after that rule was implemented.

I never let them get on the computer because they can't not download stuff and they either break the computer, download viruses or bog it down with crap. So no, he doesn't get to touch it. My ability to get my school work done trumps his need to play games online.

giveitago's picture

Password the thing, or block the wireless connection? After a reasonable time period you could go to the main computer and adjust the wireless settings in there.

lac925's picture

Enforce a time limit, definitely! We had 3 skids who all wanted to use our computer. We set 20 min time limits for each kid so that they each got the same amount of time. And if kid1 bugged kid2 (or vice versa), then THEIR time would either be shortened or taken away. Plus, what if they BROKE the computer? Or did something to mess it up?