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someone stop me......

onebright1's picture

I am this || close to making my facebook public just to bait BM into looking at it so I can blast her like she does me!
She is back at it with the neverending text to BF about NOTHING to do with skids!!
It is all her feelings about how he needs counceling, and she has to move when her lease is up and she is being "checked for cervical cancer" . ANd "had a talk with sd1 and she hates you bla bla bla" and "domestic violence isnt just hitting its not communicating with me about our daughters" and Our daughters bday is this weekend and We would love you to pay for it all and let me keep them home for it and you come to the party but dont bring your #!@$ GF Onebright and YAK YAK BLA BLA YAK.

I just want to text or blog or something on Facebook or myspace and tell her to shut the F up!!!! She is driving me insane. It is Damn hard to have a relationship when she wont leave him alone. I have never hated anyone in my life, but I hate her and am beginning to hate SD1 and SD2.... I dont speak to them or her, but I so wanna have my say.....I actually want to freakin POP her one. That is soooo not me. I am a *high road taker* , ARGH! I need a vaca and he needs to block her flippin number......

And yes, he texted her back once in all this to tell her to "stop texting me" ,,,,

obviously she didnt.


they8ntmine's picture

Stop, Don't do it. In theory it sounds like a great idea but in reality your just opening yourself up to a bunch more crap from her. She already didn't listen to BF's text stop texting me, she won't listen to yours. Keep records of everything she texts him. His reply can be something along the lines of please email me from now on, I will not reply to text messages unless it's an emergancy. Please keep your emails to just about the skids. And just ignore the texts when she sends them.

OK now relax, deep breath, and go get a glass of wine.

Synaesthete's picture

Have him ignore her non-kid related texts altogether, IMO. Turn the phone off, even, if you aren't expecting or welcoming any messages - if it's important she can call, and if she calls and it isn't he can end the conversation and not answer should she call back. Even though he's asking her to stop, it clearly doesn't matter to her and so this is the only option if you both want a little peace from someone who sounds completely out of her mind.

As far as making your FB public, don't do it. Don't sink to her level. Use this place to vent, Smile that's what we're here for! Besides, do you really want her to have access to all your personal things if that's the kind of woman she is? I wouldn't want someone like that to have access to my information, pictures, posts, etc.

IMO, if you do that it's opening the door for a FB war and quite frankly, you're better than that. Smile There are a lot of things I'd love to say to a lot of people but I also see the people that do engage in that sort of behaviour regularly on FB and every time I just think to myself how trashy it all looks and sounds. Don't turn yourself into *that* person. Wink And also, I don't want everyone else on my FB list to know all about my personal dramas. I'm guilty of the odd passive-aggressive post here and there but it's a rarity and no one who isn't involved knows what I'm talking about.

DaizyDuke's picture

"I have never hated anyone in my life, but I hate her"

I feel your pain! I have said these same exact words! I truly am a super easy person to get along with, I let most day to day nonsense roll off my back and don't hold grudges, but our BM makes me insane! I wish I could just one day, have a free pass to tell her what I think, and then use my karate training to beat the crap out of her.... but until then I just fantasize and try to keep my cool.

I know it is tempting to put something on FB or Myspace but I agree with they8ntmine, don't do it! If you think she's bad now, just try doing something like that, she'll be guaranteed to blow up your BF phone and then she'll make YOU out to be the bad guy for publicly degrading her. I know how hard it is to take the high road, but I really think it's in your best interest to continue to rise above her nonsense and be the better person. ((Hugs)) Smile

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

*just breathe*
I’m really sorry that you have to deal with this psychopath… she’s obviously obsessed with her ex and is trying desperately to get *any* kind of attention from him… I know how hard it can be with these intrusions on your relationship, all you want to do is put her and their relationship out of your head but these crazy ass messages just keep her in the forefront. And that’s her goal all along… attention. His and yours.

The best (and hardest!!!) thing you can do is ignore it… not feed into it… not give her the attention she so desperately is seeking… seriously, ignoring her will piss her off more than anything you could ever do or say. Any form of reaction from you will only validate any crazy ideas she has in her head.

Know what I do…?
Write a harsh and honest e-mal to her expressing EVERY feeling you’re having… cuss, insult, scream, express every emotion you’re harboring. And then just save it to draft… and add to it as you need to. It’s very therapeutic. And funny to look back on later… I’ve called Mother Russia a “horse faced, buck toothed succubus” in more than one imaginary e-mail… and when I’m out of the cloud of rage that made me write such a thing it usually just makes me *giggle*

Good luck darlin… vent here!!!

onebright1's picture

I know I know.
I wont do it, but GOD I want to soooo bad.
We do ignore her, he doesnt even answer text about the skids, cuz they usually are just thrown in there to make her text "legitimate".
But it was so nice a week or so ago cuz she had stopped for like 9 whole days!
I wonder what it is that triggers her to start up again...
THat 9 day break was the longest in over a year for him.
He does document and has 4 notebooks of just text from her. But I really dont see what good it does, its not like he can take it to a judge and say "here, read this and make her quit it"
I do that too LOL I have so many drafts it would fill a note book up too haha.
Karate training sounds like something I may do just in case I ever get face to face LOL
I dont even have a myspace, I do have a facebook, but it is only for close close friends and family, so yea, I really dont want her in my life any more than she already is.
Yea, she does that whole myspace / facebook thing writing and blogging about BF and about me and sometimes even my kids. His Family tells us about it. So no, I think it is trashy. I dont think I would have done it, but that is why I came here first. Just to get myself in check before I became "her"
Wine??? hmmmm ??? wonder if my boss would go for it Biggrin

stormabruin's picture

"Write a harsh and honest e-mal to her expressing EVERY feeling you’re having… cuss, insult, scream, express every emotion you’re harboring."
This really is a helpful method. It gets all the ugly angry thoughts that you want to say but can't out. It releases so much stress & brain-jumble & really does help you think more clearly & be more productive day-to-day. I don't do the emails. I sit down with a pen & paper & I write it. The stress relief is even evident on the paper. The beginnings of the letters are always deeply indented with the pressure of my hand with the pen, & the more pages I write, the lighter my pen-strokes get. I write until I'm tired & can't think of anything else to say. It's more helpful to me, I think, than talking about it. It seems when I talk I get stuck going in circles. Sometimes it happens on paper too, but without the conversation going back & forth with someone, I find it's easier not to get sidetracked. I don't feel like I'm burdening someone else with my problems or taking away from them to make it all about me. It truly is therapeutic. I have a box in my closet to keep all of my letters in so I can read back through them anytime, & I know that should the skids ever come over they won't stumble across them & read my deepest feelings & opinions of them & their mother.

zenjetset's picture

Hault!! Stop!! Alto!!! Don't do it!! And ignore all the texts that have zip to do with kids. BM here does the same, recently she went as far as texting that her and her BF broke up and hinting she wanted to get with FDH!!! They try anything to get what they want. I'm secure in my relationship, so it was hilarious and we ignored her.

We always text her "not my problem"!!! Or use one of her replies "I divorced that!"

Don't give her anything that will make u look bad in court. Let her spill her personal business to you but do not ever give her any info on you or your relationship.

skylarksms's picture

Here's a good reply that my DH says I always say, "Good for you." I guess it wouldn't work so much as a text though because DH says what I SAY is nice but I say it like "f$%k off!"

onebright1's picture

Zen* yeah, I have read some of your stuff and yeah I think our BMs are twins.
The thing is , he doesnt even text her back except once in a great while to tell her
to stop texting and then she goes into a rant about how it is her right to communicate with him because she "is the mother of your children" (make sure you scream that and whine it at the same time when you read that part)

zenjetset's picture

lmao and pardon me, i have had a glass (actually two) of wine. yes, possibly...though it would be horrible if the world had two of them.

BM here is narcissist and therefore has no boundaries, sounds like yours is a nar as well.

raggedyann1973's picture

Not a good idea, a friend of mine did that on her FB page and it got really ugly. Now her ex have restraining orders against each other. She won't let him see the kids...They have been to cout 3 times in 2 months. Too much of a headache. Maybe he can change his number and just gice his new number to the kids.

onebright1's picture

I actually was telling him today to stop explaining or justify-ing why. Told him it is none of her or his business as to why.
For instance...
Yesterday, she texted to ask him to pick up SD2 from school as she was sick, That wasnt enuff, she then went into why she couldnt (dr appt for supposed cancer check) and why her mom (exmil) couldnt ( not able to get hold of her) .
He replied, "I am halfway to Dayton, I cannot"
I told him, "no" was sufficient and he should let her know via email that he doesnt need all the story line with a question, and that "can u pick up SD2 from school, she is sick" would be sufficient.