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Sharing a good read this morning

onebright1's picture

Good concept, wonder if it would work if implemented day one of a relationship.


Mercury's picture

I agree 100% with the part that states flexibility is a better indicator for success than blendedness or closeknittedness.

onebright1's picture

I am all for the separate everything. Two trees at Christmas, excellent! This is why I ended up in my own place. I still have a SO and skids, but we only get some of us together for certain events.
This is because only some of us know how to be humans Wink
I still stay over with SO sometimes and he with me and some of the skids come with him some of the time.
But it is our call on who can come and if a skid can sleep over.
Had to learn the hard way.
I suppose at some point we will cohabitate again. But for now, this works Smile