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Another Visitation taken

over the games's picture

Funny farm was supposed to let us have SS15 this weekend to make up DH weekend next week (they are going to florida next week). BM asked us to take him two weeks ago. Evidently she changed her mind because SS15 told DH last night him, SD19, and SS20 have to clean the ENTIRE house while BM and her fiance have their relaxation weekend so they can be relaxed before vacation.


over the games's picture

We agree because it normally means extra time with the kids but guess not. We've called the cops before and she just goes on a rant. Or she will beat us to it and say we are harassing her. Then we show the emails and the cops are like -.-why are we here? She LOVES cops and the attention she gets when they're their. Even if it's bad attention.

over the games's picture

Thank you. I have read quite a few posts telling me we shouldn't react whivh is very good advice. In the past year ive reacted one time. When SS15 was in my truck doing his homework while DH was trying to get his stuff after court with cops present. BM screamed at SS15 and told him he was worthless for being in the truck with me and not being with her and he needed to get out before he caught something from me. Apparently I have slept with the whole town. (My true #of partners is 4. 2 of which i married). My only reaction, AFTER SS15 started crying telling me he was sorry and it was HIS fault that happened, was yep i'm the disgusting one thanks for putting him in the middle AGAIN. SS15 then told her he didn't want to get out because he needed help and she didnt help him and just wanted her to stop. I told him it would be better for him if he just got out and apologized to him. She pulled him out. Physically literally pulled him out. DH has been calling SS15 private since his # is still blocked. The talks are very short and SS15 is very withdrawn. It hurts DH but he still calls at least once a day and tells him he misses him and loves him. We will see how long it takes BM to figure it out and block restricted calls on SS15 phone like she has done when SS15 was on her plan. (He is now on her fiances plan.)