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New to site and need advicw

stepmom1105's picture

Hi I'm new to this site and I'm needing a little advie about my fiances (soon to be husband) children. We've been together for 4 years and were getting married in a week and half. He has 4 kids from 19 to 10 but the big problem right now is his 12 year old daughter. She is honestly a very smart girl (gets straight As), is involved with sports, has a lot of friends, does things around the house without being told, ect. But her problem is her major attitude and disrespect. His 12 and 10 year old girls live with us and they see their mom everyother weekend. Well lately she has been extreamly out of control. We found out she had a facebook even though we had told her she could not have one. She then lied to our face about it and got her phone taken away for a week. Her attitudes and fits have me at my wits in though. She will yell at me and her dad, tells me I'm stupid, in the past she has even kicked me and spit on me ( which caused me and my fiance to have a brief split), when she's told no she litteraly turns into a demon. And its worse after they come back from their mothers. I know she is 12 and going throught puberty so that has a lot to do with her moods and I know their mother puts a lot of crap in their heads but in my opinion that does not excuse her for her actions. We really do have a good reltaionship so its not that she hates me bc she acts this way to her dad and other adults as well. Well we have a vacation to florida planned soon and I do not think she should be allowed to take her phone...the phone only causes problems, and we are planning on getting married on the beach (the kids don't know that yet bc we don't want their mother starting more crap) and I just honestly don't think she needs to take it. She's actually grounded from it now, has been for 2 weeks bc of her attitude. I told my fiance this is a family vacation. Not a text my friends every minute and tell mom every little thing that happens vacation. If they want to talk to their mother they can use one of our phones. But my fiance disagrees. He said she can take it even though he is constanly complaing on how she doesn't need or deserve the phone. Idk I'm just at my boiling point. Do u think ishe should take it or am I right? And what do I do about her complete disrespect?

threepointo's picture

OMG....Are we living the same life? I am having the same issues with 12 almost 13 girl and I came to this site for some type of advice....If I had an answer to cope I would give it to you but I am in the same boat. And miserable at that. You can look at some of the posts my "plea for help" received it might help. I will check back to you as well. Hang in there.