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Making preparations for sd15 visit

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It's Wednesday before puke is supposed to come for her weekend visit and I'm getting prepared as I normally do. Planning out my weekend to make sure I have enough to stay busy and away from her. Getting my game face on. Most of all hoping something happens and she doesn't come. I'm pretty good at predicting this by the phone conversations dh has with her the week before her visit. Usually Thursday is when the seed is planted by puke or if she is too afraid to tell Dh then bm is more than happy to drop the bomb. I know Dh is disappointed when puke cancels but I am thrilled. I keep waiting for the time when she just stops coming. Dh knows it's coming and is preparing himself for the day. Bm will undoubtedly be the one to break the news as puke is a spineless coward who will become the victim and somehow make this my fault. I'm good with that if it gets me what I want.


over step's picture

Puke's visits have dwindled down to almost once a month since the BF has entered the picture. Now puke has a puppy that is also dropping that time. Plus she is bored and is not comfortable here so there is little keeping her coming other than guilt. But I'm sure that will be less of a factor as time goes on.