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Not Much To Report

over step's picture

Been creeping on ST but haven’t posted anything since Puke hasn’t been for a visit since January. Finally have a little to post about. Nothing exciting.

DH and MIL made the 8-hour roundtrip this past Saturday to see Puke. I was asked to go but stated that 1) I didn’t want to go and 2) Puke would not want me there so no point. That afternoon I got a text from DH saying that Puke bought herself a car. “Oh yeah?”, I respond. Which translates to “I don’t flipping care.” BM found it while at a yard sale. Puke did buy it with the money she saved from babysitting with a little help from MIL. Good thing is that Puke bought it, BM found it for her, BM is paying for insurance so anything goes wrong with it DH is not held liable. Not that this would affect me since Puke is not my kid.

Now Puke just needs to get her drivers permit and then license. Once she has her license she plans to find a job so she can move out of BM’s. No doubt with current BF. This will piss BM off because it will give DH grounds to have CS stopped. Unfortunately, who knows when this will happen but is the only hope of CS stopping any time soon since Puke has not done any online school since May and is only 40% done with an estimated “graduation” date of 08/2017. That won’t happen. DH could be paying until she 19 if she stays with BM and has graduated high school from what I understand of the law. Maybe between Puke and BF they can get moved out soon.

DH has accepted that Puke will never come for visits any more. (Hallelujah for me!) My heart goes out to DH. He gets tears in his eyes almost every time he talks about her. I see Christmas & her birthday as either him going out there to spend it with her or just sending the presents to her. I continue to show sympathy towards his feelings. I’m truly working on letting go of the past and moving on in regards to Puke. When he does talk to me about her, I just keep my mouth shut and let him talk. I often wonder when to broach the subject of turning her room into a guest/sewing room. (I’m thinking when she turns 18.) All that time & money he spent on redecorating her room for her to only use it a couple times. What a waste!


over step's picture

It's 18 or until graduating high school(up to 19). Then she'd have to enroll in college soon after that to keep the CS going. It's taken her like 2 years to get 40% done. That figures to 20% a year. At 60% left, she'll be done in 3 years. She turns 17 in October so she'll be 19 almost 20 before she graduates.

I say have her get her GED now and when she doesn't go to college, end CS then.

over step's picture

Thanks to you I'm a true believer in disengagement. Not easy but absolutely necessary for my happiness.

I figure when Puke turns 18 she's officially an adult so we don't need to keep her room for her. Especially if she doesn't visit. Just a waste of space. I really need a space for sewing and I'll use it more than she will.

Have heard nothing about pup. Not a peep.

I care nothing about BM other than her falling off the face of the earth.

over step's picture

Just small crafty things. Plus mending.

I am going to be sewing Christmas presents this year so I'll set up in her room.

over step's picture

Puke will get from me this year what she got from me last year. Not a darn thing.

Any clothes in her room she can't or doesn't wear so they will go in yard sale. I paid for most of them so I will get a little back.

DH can pack up her trinkets and either store them or give them to her when he sees her.

over step's picture

Oh I am the best gift giver. I give very thoughtful gifts. Some people get more thoughtful gifts than others do. Some I just don't think much about because they don't think much about me. Sucks to be them.

kathc's picture

They thought it was a great idea to buy a car for a kid who doesn't even have a license? Sorry, I stopped reading there. Did BM maybe need a car go drive? Because that sounds like something ours would pull.

over step's picture

Puke bought it and she didn't want to get her license until she had her own car. BM has her own car and it's nicer than Puke's.