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Ok, so what is behind the SD'S 'neediness' as well as infantile/girlfriend behavior.

overit2's picture

You know...i realize that guilty parenting, combatting pas, your mother who decides to become a serial dating lesbian, divorce, etc....can lead to unhealthy kids and behavior.

The one GOOD thing, is that SD has now opened up to my sons and lately to her dad about how she feels about her moms orientation, choices in partners, etc. The girl is struggling a lot...her mom mentioned one day not long ago the possibility of marryign her girlfriend (the one that just cheated on her)...and SD is pretty much disgusted and mad and upset w/her mom about it. NOW...before we go on in a rampage....please understand that some if not most of society still has a hard time accepting this. My bf does his best to just say "we all make different choices-your mom is making hers, I do not approve, but it's not my place to approve and their orientation doesn't make them a bad person' SO in essence he does not make it more negative for her then it already is. BUT I have a BIG feeling that if her mom DOES go to another state to marry-she (SD) may just well move out and go live with dad (HOLD ME WHILE I THROW UP AND BREAK OUT IN HIVES!)-she is very embarrased by the situation or about friends finding out. I DO think that her talking about it is better then her holding it in-I think this was causing a lot of her anger least she's talkign about it and expressing herself.

OK all this issue aside-this wknd I saw more of her then I cared to-I don't think bf is getting my disengagement or otherwise is pushing me a bit-probably because he figures he puts up w/my two kids all the time...sooooo...

I guess what i question is this....we all know that sd's are just WEIRD>>>>in that they act very infantile for their age "DAAADDDDYYYYY" UGHH my sons always call me mom and dad is dad...on ocassion i hear an affection mamacitas, or MOMMY and a big hug but they don't refer to me as 'mommmmmyyyy' on the regular. THUMB SUCKING -UGGGG
The constant need to stand by dad, be sitting by him commanding him to sit w/her, cuddle w/her, rub her neck, feet, it's like it's a MIX between girlfriend and toddler behavior. I KNOW you women know what I'm talking about lol...and you all know how disgusted WE get watching it.

QUestion is, WHY???? I mean other then they're asses and gross...and dad is guilty daddy (her dad never encourages this behavior-in fact he has plenty of times 'turned her down'....but she STILL continues to be up his ass the entire time-has to be with us following adults everywhere, i literally will not SEE my sons come in from their game/toy room or outside unless it's for food -at NORMAL intervals.

With her she's in/out about every 15 minutes, has to eat ever 30, has to stand by 'dadddy' or cuddle or come out when we're standing outside every time...just the neediness, demanding, whining petulent behavior....what is BEHIND THIS? Like what psycholgical damage/problems...where is it coming from exactly?

Is it attachment issues, lack of control, confusion w/her moms orientation...her mom has also moved a LOT and been in different relationships so little consistency...but I mean I dont' see girls in intact homes ever be so attached and desperate for dad. It's creepy. I get it that she may like him best, but to act like a girlfriend/baby is just WEIRD..there has to be a way to address the 'cause' to this behavior can STOP!!


daisy0202's picture

Good Luck!!!! My SD is 16 going on 6...Shes always attached to daddy when she is with us...At times on weekends that we have her she wants him to stay up with her and watch TV till she falls asleep....Can u say no private time....Yahhhh...Drives me crazy. She once was eatting a dessert I made and asked her father if he wants to try and got up and fed it to him....I just laughed because DH went to grab spoon and she said here I'll give it to you. Now again 16 another example he went to give me a kiss goodbye once to bring her to a friends and she made vomit noises 3 times in the background. I am not talking making out i am talking a quick kiss....Its like she is a toddler....DRIVES ME F'in CRAZY!!!! I dont see this getting any better but she just started therapy i hope things get better and she just got a boyfriend...But afraid when he sees she is a nut case he might run...God I hope not!!!

christinen's picture

I know exactly what you are talking about with the needy SD. My fiance and I have his 4 year old daughter every other week for the full week & the entire time she is at our house, she has to be up his butt. She follows him around to the point he can't even go to the bathroom alone (he doesn't let her in the bathroom with him, but she will wait outside the door until he comes out). She always has to be sitting next to him and if I am sitting next to him, she will sit in between us. When he comes up to give me a hug or kiss, she will come up, grab his hand & say "MY daddy", I mean it's outrageous. I can't stand this kid. My fiance is the ultimate "guilty daddy" so I'm sure that doesn't help matters, but other than that I am not sure where the behavior comes from. She has been like that ever since I have known her. It may just be their unstable living situations with constantly switching houses & everything. When kids have no stability, they feel out of control and scared (from what I've read), so maybe that causes them to hang on to dad. It's truly sickening.

jojo68's picture

Are you sure we don't have the same SD??? :? I think these girls act this way because no one tells them differently. Apparently Daaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddyyyyyyyyyyy sees nothing wrong with flattered by the attention and isn't ready to give up his "daddy's girl" :sick: My SD is completely desperate for her father too and she lives full time with him with very little interaction with her mother.

alwaysanxious's picture

It sounds like your SD has a lot of other issues going on. For my SD, I just think this is how she believes women interact with all men. I think from an early age her father treated her as a substitute spouse since he wasn't getting emotional fulfillment from his wife (the exW now).

When I watch SD interact with SO, its as if he is a guy friend most of the time and kinda a boyfriend at other times. She hasn't done the extreme lap sitting, but she does push for him to scratch her back and touch on her. She also can be flirtatious to the point of my vomiting. Its so much easier now that I just don't hang out with any of them while they are here.

I also notice (when I do see them around each other) that she is way less flirtatious and pushy for his attention when I have not been around any of them most of the day.