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GRRR! Pissed off BM today

overworkedmom's picture

So, my exH girlfriend felt the need to do a couple of things this past weekend that I am livid about.
1st- my daughter (5) got scared when their neighbors got in a drunk fight and got arrested. So exH's GIRLFRIEND felt the need to take her to a police station to talk to police. Now, I don't have a problem with the police station but why the F didn't her FATHER take her??? If it was important, he should have been the one, not the current gf.

2nd- Driving in the car this morning the radio was talking about that whole Simon Cowell or whatever his name is getting his best friends wife knocked up. My daughter then proceeds to tell me that ex's gf said that blah blah blah this is how babies are made and when mommy had BS she had to push but he wouldn't come out of her "gina" so the Dr had to cut him out :jawdrop: . UMMMM.... sorry I missed the part where random girlfriends teach sex ed to 5 year olds and considering she wasn't in the delivery room how the F would she know what went on??? (both my C's were scheduled).

When I called him to address these things I tried to remain calm and explain that he is the father, not his GF and he needs to be the one to step up to the plate. He denied the sex talk but I have never said anything like that, but she kept saying "_____ said....." so either he doesn't know about it or he is a liar- could be either one with him so who knows!?!?! I am just pissed right now!


learningallthetime's picture

Sounds like your ex has a special GF like mine! Just stay calm and just keep addressing key issues. My exes gf has told BS6 he is not allowed to talk about me. Also how me and his dad were never in a relationship (yes, I had a miracle baby! And I lived with ex for 6 years just by chance?!!).

My issue is ex is an idiot and runs his mouth, then found a bigger idiot who takes what he says and runs with it. Oh joy.

Just keep stressing to ex, calmly, when there is an issue. And document. You never know when it may be useful. Exes house is currently being investigated by human services. Her constant text abuse of me, openly saying what she says to my son, is not helping her case (and I did not initiate any investigation).

Drac0's picture

Wait. Your daughter is 5? Why would ANYONE take her to the police station to talk to the police?

Or did I misread that? Did you mean to say the GF wanted to talk to the police and wanted to take your daughter with her?

overworkedmom's picture

Nope, you read it right. They had my child last weekend and their neighbors were drunk and fighting so the police got called. It scared my daughter, so ex's GF took her to the police station to "help her see police aren't scary". -- I get that point but the GF is NOT the person to teach that lesson. Her father is.

Drac0's picture

Oh okay. For a sec it read like the GF was talking your daughter to the police station to give a statement. I knew that couldn't be right, but you never know with some of the crazy things we read on these boards at times. Thanks for clarifying.

WarmBody's picture

That girl is seriously over-stepping and needs to be put in her place.

overworkedmom's picture

RIGHT!?!?! I get coming into a relationship with a man with kids is tough but damn. It is not her place to do this stuff and have these conversations. They only have my kids 4 days a month, can't they just keep it fun???

oldone's picture

I used to live in a tiny little Mayberry like town where the police station was next door to the library. I would have no problem with any child going in there as it was clean, friendly, etc. Now where I live now - eeeeeek. Urban crime out the wazoo with the most scary thugs you've ever seen. No child should be with 10 miles of that place.

But detailed sex ed is another whole story. That is so personal. I had a friend's daughter ask me questions on a 2 hour road trip when she was about 7. I just claimed total ignorance. Gosh - I don't know how babies get there. She's now an adult and probably thinks that's why I didn't get married until so late in life. Smile

overworkedmom's picture

To say that they live in the ghetto area of where I live would be putting it lightly. And once again, had her actual father been the one or if they even all went together, fine. But she should not be the one doing this.

And he tried to justify sex ed by her in saying that people other than parents teach it in school. He shut up when I questioned her credentials in health care and education and if her curriculum had been approved by a board of parents. LOL!