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I know religion is a hot button issue on here BUT....

overworkedmom's picture

I feel like God has a plan. I lost out on 3 townhouses this week for me and my kids. The house I saw yesterday was a bust. Then, I got home and was served from my kids dad. Great day right!! This was the hearing where I was told he was suing for custody because DS is fat, but at the same time sports are unsafe. After a bottle of wine and a little pity party I finally read the paperwork.

He is suing for custody because I wont take the kids to summer day care in his town. We live about 45 min. apart. In the last support hearing that we had the judge gave him $1000 credit for childcare for his 3 weeks in the summer with the kids. This was because the kids were going to stay in ourtown and I have an in-home provider. Oh, and the broad he knocked up is staying at home with their baby and will be watching my kids during that time anyway!! He just wants CS reduced to be able to afford her staying home. Anyway, I think this will get thrown out pretty quickly considering that is has already been resolved.

The hearing is in 1 month. That is unheard of!! I think that God wants me to wait to move until after this is settled. I really feel like that is why everything has gone south with finding a place this week. He has a plan for me and my children.


moeilijk's picture

Sounds like he would have to pay $1000 for his gf to watch them. But if he DID, then you have $1000 for your deposit on a new place....

overworkedmom's picture

I am tempted to take him back for being fraudulent if she is the one watching them!! However, I will just let it go. He just has to stop this crap. It will be the 4th time he has taken me to court in 1 year. The only thing that changed was a reduction in cs and all but the daycare thing was correct. I am making more money now than before.

hereiam's picture

I strongly believe that there are no coincidences.

I also believe that you will find the right place, at the right time. Smile

askYOURdad's picture

This might be long and I don't remember the words exactly but it goes something like this...

We'll call him Sean. Sean wakes up and looks at the clock only to realize that his alarm didn't go off and he is running late and has a meeting that day. He calls his assistant to reschedule the meeting but in the meantime spilled coffee all over his pants and had to change. He finally gets to work and it just seems like one thing after another. When he goes to lunch the idiot makes his sandwich wrong and he has to have it remade. As he gets back to the office he realizes he left his cell phone at the restaurant where he had lunch and has to go back to get it. On the way home he gets stuck in traffic and it takes him twice the time to get home. As he is getting ready for bed he says "God, why did you let me have such a miserable day today?" to which God replies, "what about your day was miserable"

The man goes through all of his inconveniences starting with oversleeping and ending with sitting in traffic. God says to the man. "The reason that you overslept is because you weren't prepared for your meeting today and I know how much you need your job. I had to spill the coffee so that you would avoid getting into an accident on the highway. The man who made your first sandwich at lunch is coming down with the flu, I knew that you have used your allocated sick time and again, that you need your job. I had to make you forget your cell phone because Bob was going to have a conversation in the elevator that he would later use against you so luckily that was avoided. If it weren't for the traffic on the way home, you would have never called your sister and she needed your advice today. You see Sean, all of your inconveniences were me looking out for you because I can see the big picture."

Stay strong overworked, even if the reason isn't this custody case, there is one. You will get through this.

Willow2010's picture

I liked it too! Hang in there overworked. This is cliché I know...but, God does work in mysterious ways.

Unfreakingreal's picture

I too believe that there are no such thing as coincidences. I remember falling in love with a house, in a town only 20 minutes away from my place of work. I was so bummed when we were out bid and lost that house.
A few weeks later, we found another house that ended up being the home we have been living in for 10 years now.
The first house, that I loved so much and was so bummed about not getting, ended up being in a flood zone and in a shitty school district. God was most definitely looking out for us in that instance.
I am still working out the details as far as my 16 y/o knocking up an 18 y/o go, but even though I haven't been able to find the silver lining in that cloud just yet, I know it is there and it will make itself visible to me one day.
Hang in there, the Universe will always guide you where it wants you to go.