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Ouch! There's a knife in my back

peaceofmind's picture

Ok everyone this is totally o/t but I am so sad and hurt I need to get it out. I have this friend we will call her Star. Star was in a horrible relationship with a guy who treated her like crap. She called me one day and told me that she needed a place to stay because she was leaving him. (This was a year ago.) DH and I have an extra bedroom at our house and told her she could rent it. She had no job, no car, nothing! No furniture, dishes, I serious absolutely nothing. But I didn’t care. I loved her and wanted to help her.

When she moved in I found her a job. I loaned her money for her car. I made her dinner every night, except for Tuesday she cooked that day. We we’re really good friends and I did a lot for her because I loved her and wanted to be a good friend to her.

Well this past Friday we got in the most ridiculous argument. I knew it was stupid so I held my tongue. She left town for the weekend and we did not talk at all. I’m not sure if you read my previous blog but my DH took a paycut. So at this point having a roommate is helpful for us. Ok back to the point, on Sunday she comes home and says she is moving. :jawdrop:

Seriously???? I have been there so much for her and then when I need her she just leaves. She tells me I am a bad person and a terrible friend. She goes on this rant for like 15 minutes about what a good person and friend she is. That she is honest and has never done a thing wrong in her life. She sounds worse then my SD12. I couldn’t believe anything she was saying. Now I just feel so hurt . I can’t believe after all the things we have been through that she would just act like I am the gum underneath her shoe. I can’t wait until she is out of my house and I never have to look at her face again.
