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peaceofmind's Blog

I could fu*&ing scream right now!!!

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So I come home from a busy day of school and driving home in the 110 degree weather and what do I find?? My laoptop in my SD's bedroom. My laptop is off limits. There is a computer in the living room but she doesn't like to use that one because it's slow. DUH! It's slow because you download all kinds of crap on it and don't take care of anything! But besides the fact that she knows that she is not aloud to use my computer she is grounded!! This is how the conversation went

Ouch! There's a knife in my back

peaceofmind's picture

Ok everyone this is totally o/t but I am so sad and hurt I need to get it out. I have this friend we will call her Star. Star was in a horrible relationship with a guy who treated her like crap. She called me one day and told me that she needed a place to stay because she was leaving him. (This was a year ago.) DH and I have an extra bedroom at our house and told her she could rent it. She had no job, no car, nothing! No furniture, dishes, I serious absolutely nothing. But I didn’t care. I loved her and wanted to help her.

On a better note

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Since school started, her first year of Jr High, SD12 has had a shitty attitude. Constand whinging and back talk. Well this whole entire week she has been a superstar! Good test grades, awsome in cheer, homework getting done without being told, same for chores. And very pleasnt to be around. I told her today when she got home from school that she has had an awsome attitude this week and has been doing a good job. She said with a smile on her face, "you noticed?"

kids suck

peaceofmind's picture

I want to run far way and never come back. I feel like I can not take one more second of the whining and back talk. We can’t tell her no about anything with out the whining and back talk. I just want to leave. I used to love to be around SD12 and talk to her and hang out and now I can’t stand to even look at her. It’s like there is someone else in my sweet and well-behaved SD. As I posted before DH took a pay cut and now we are struggling. We explained to SD that we are tight on money and things have to change a little bit.

OT but need to get it out...

peaceofmind's picture

My DH has worked with his company for 10 years. He is also the General Manager. We they did a bunch of lay offs today… pretty much everyone. My DH was not laid off but he was demoted and took a huge pay cut today. A million different thoughts are going through my head right now. Our house, cars, SD, school, everything.

DH is an idiot!!

peaceofmind's picture

I swear he is freaking clueless or he just doesn't give a shit about SD12. Tonight he is allowing a little 12 year old to go to a high school football game with her other 12 year old friend. The friend has a sister in high school who is also going. I am soooooo not ok with but it is his child his decision. But I just don't see how it is appropriate that a 12 year old hang out with high school kids. He thinks that everything that comes out of her mouth must be true. Ya freaking right! He is just asking for trouble down the line.