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Ive said it as a joke, but its actually true.....

PeanutandSons's picture

I've said on a few posts that I don't think my Sd9 could pick her baby brother out of a line up if she had to. That's how little she give a shit. The only time she ever interacts with him is when other people are over and giving him attention. Then she become super sister and is over the top super sweet about how cute he is ect. Anything to get the attention back on herself.

Well, we went to pick up the baby from the nanny's last night and she had some company over. SD goes up and starts her baby talk and oohhing and ahhing over bs-5months. Calling him by name and repeating you just love your big sister right? Yeah you love your sissy. The big sister show was on, and in full swing. I stopped a moment to chat with the nanny before heading over to where "bs-5months" was. Sd9 was talking to the wrong baby! She didn't even realize that wasn't her brother. MY baby was sleeping in his playpen in the bedroom.

How do you live with a baby for 5 months and not be able to reccognize him? She is so self centered its ridiculous. Everyone was just looking at her like wtf? We (our family) are the dirt under her feet so far as she's concerned.


PeanutandSons's picture

Yes, she lives with us full time, doesn't even visit bm.

No I didn't mention it..... He'd spin it to make it my fault. That I keep them apart.... Or that she.must be scared of me and that why she doesn't know BS. Or force her to spend time with him, and she has a nasty violent side, so i would fear for the baby if she decided to take out her frustrations on him.

We were at a b-day party last weekend. During musical chairs she was pushing all the other kids. just trying to get to the same seat....but like as the music was playing and the kids were walking. Shed take both her hands and just shove the kid in front of her repeatedly. The dad of the party (not Dh) made a general annoucement to keep hands to yourselves. SD continues, so party dad told everyone to put their hands on their heads and keep them there. SD continued to take her hands down and shove the other kids. Dh watched this whole thing and didn't say or do anything. The only kid at the whole party of like 15 kids that couldn't keep their hands to themselves.

PeanutandSons's picture

Yes, she lives with us full time, doesn't even visit bm.

No I didn't mention it..... He'd spin it to make it my fault. That I keep them apart.... Or that she.must be scared of me and that why she doesn't know BS. Or force her to spend time with him, and she has a nasty violent side, so i would fear for the baby if she decided to take out her frustrations on him.

We were at a b-day party last weekend. During musical chairs she was pushing all the other kids. just trying to get to the same seat....but like as the music was playing and the kids were walking. Shed take both her hands and just shove the kid in front of her repeatedly. The dad of the party (not Dh) made a general annoucement to keep hands to yourselves. SD continues, so party dad told everyone to put their hands on their heads and keep them there. SD continued to take her hands down and shove the other kids. Dh watched this whole thing and didn't say or do anything. The only kid at the whole party of like 15 kids that couldn't keep their hands to themselves.

PeanutandSons's picture

Not sure if the nanny noticeD.... She was in the kitchen packing up the bottles.

But I am sure her friends told her after we left. They were in the livingroom with their son when she did it.

PeanutandSons's picture

At first she tried to play it off like she knew it wasn't BS, but was just talking to the baby. But bs3 (god bless him, lol) called her out on it, and said, no you said that you were his sissy! Then she just got that stupid smile on her face when she thinks she is sooo cute and adorable when she acts stupid. Once she realized that all the attention was on her she was happy as a clam to play it up.