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Perez2020's picture

I have walked out of ex fiancés life who I l really love but had to let go of because he would often name calling me and belittle me whenever he was angry. I cried almost daily and he calmly just watched me. His two daughters also took a toll on me (16,14) because of how bad of an influence they were to mine. The last argument we had was three days ago when he called me crazy and a dumbass because I pointed out that he wasn't spending much time with our daughter so he had said he was done, got whatever he had and left so he's been blocked since, I made my decision to take things legally because in my head I felt he'll never change. Even though he's blocked in my emails I can see his messages in my spam folder begging me to please call him- he even had his oldest message me. A part of me feels bad but 80% of me feels like it's time to let go and keep ignoring him. My therapist told me (he affected me bad since I was pregnant) because of my safety I don't have to have any contact with him so Tuesday morning I'm going to court with all texts and emails etc from him. He even came looking for me so I took the kids to their room, turned off the lights and stayed quiet. He was just yelling "babe" and knocking. Am I being cruel like taking it too far?? The reason I'm doing this mostly is because I don't trust him taking our newborn with him anywhere or his environment. He's never ever begged me like this. 


tog redux's picture

Your ex is abusive - he may not have hit you (yet), but he is very clearly verbally abusive. This is part of the cycle of abuse - abusers typically come back full of promises to change and making grand romantic gestures, but they rarely do change.

Please keep him blocked and reach out to your local domestic violence shelter for help, though I see you have a good therapist who gets it. Listen to him/her.

On the cycle of abuse:

Winterglow's picture

You are NOT being cruel. You are preserving your sanity and that of your children! Please take heed of what Tog said because she is absolutely right.You are doing the right things - keep up the good work!

hereiam's picture

You are absolutely doing the right thing. Do NOT let him manipulate or guilt you into going back to him. He is who he is and it's not somebody that you need in your life.

Peach's picture

Don't give in.  Be strong.  Protect yourself.  He is just trying to get you back at this point and will say anything.  Believe me, it will not change.  I lived it for 20 years.  Don't be last me and waste valuable years of your life.  I regret it.