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Just saying.....

poisonivy's picture

On DH's weekends, he travels a long distance to get skids then stays at MILs for the weekend since it is midway between us and them. Although I am pleased that skids are there instead of here, I hate these weekends when he's away.

Just needed to let that out.....


Auteur's picture

I guess it's preferable to the alternative!!! SKIDS invading your HOME!!

Can you do something to spoil yourself this weekend? I so wish that Godsgift would take off for a weekend or two or two years or a lifetime.

Auteur's picture

sounds AWESOME! But it's probably me. Right now I"m in a steaming HATE/KILL rage against GG. Eh, what are you gonna do?

alwaysanxious's picture

Sounds peaceful. I'm guessing you don't have much of a relationship with skids. Do you like your arrangement?

poisonivy's picture

No, I don't have much of a relationship with them, not that I haven't tried. The arrangement has worked out well, so far. Its just taking some time getting used to DH not being here with me every other weekend.

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Dh sometimes keeps ss on his weekends and stays with mil as well. Let me tell you, I love it! Don't get me wrong, I love my dh. But I'd rather him be away for a weekend than have ss here. Fighting with the bios and messing with them. However, dh and I are used to being away from each other. We used to live seperately (a job issue) and then I used to visit my parents some weekends with jut the bios because dh used to work weekends. So if dh is gone we make the best of it. Movie nights, junk food days, whatever. It is much more relaxing than ss coming. But if you want things to change, talk to your dh. If you want a relationship with he skids and want to see your dh more thentell him. Just be careful what you wish for!

poisonivy's picture

Please don't misunderstand me here. The one and ONLY thing that I am not enjoying is being away from DH on these weekends. I am moreso venting about the being apart than the relationship with skids thing, that ship has sailed.

Like I said, bios and have pretty much got the "what to do while he's away" thing under control. I just needed to say that it sucks that it has come to this but the trade-off is tolerable.