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Really BM Really? You don't want more kids because you love SD to much

porcelian-doll's picture

SD14 wants to move back in with BM because BM finally kicked her boyfriend out. According to BM no one is more important to her than SD14 that is why she never had more kids because her love for SD is to overwhelming to be divided. She cries every night SD is not with her. Yep this is what she sent SD in a text to the phone that DH confiscated as part of her punishment. DH told SD she could use the land line to call BM and talk with her and SD says she is thinking about moving back home. Part of me is dancing on the inside but the other part is sad because I know DH just wants his daughter here with him and not with BM who lets her run free and tries to be her friend.

I'm thinking that BM got dumped by her skeeze bag BF and is lonely.


Starla's picture

Sounds like my Skids BM. Sadly the kids end up paying for it in the end. Is your DH going to try and keep her with you guys? My DH has regretted that he let Skids move in with BM years ago without putting up a fight to keep them. Since my Skids have been in their teens it seems like they are determined to go for the easy life which occurs at their BM's.

Cadence's picture

And aren't you having a baby? This is more than about her being lonely, it's also about PASing SD against you and DH. "I love you so much I'm not having more kids" = "Your Dad and porcelain-doll will never love you as much as I do and you should view the baby as competition for your father's love." Setting you up for chaos and a strained relationship between SD and the new baby.

myspoonistoobig's picture

Our BM said that before she got hitched to TV-dinner Dad. }:)

She seemed so committed too... *eyeroll*

oneoffour's picture

How to counteract this?

"I am sorry your mother is sad without you. I wonder what would happen if you ever got married? Maybe she would move in???"
"The amazing thing about love is it grows. Look at Michelle Duggar... 19 kids and she loves every single one of them. Not one child is more special than another. Isn't she a great mom?"
"Your Dad is very lucky. He gets to love another person. I mean, how weird would it be if you could never love someone else like a boyfriend because you love your mother.."
"Well if you want to go back and live with your mother maybe we can revisit that when you finish the first school semester. After Christmas Break. Then you can start a New Year all refreshed."
"You want to go and keep your mother company? What happens when she gets a new boyfriend?"
"Seriously? You believe your mother is crying herself to sleep every night you aren't there? Now why would a grown woman who has numerous boyfriends cry herself to sleep? No wonder the b/friends run to the hills."
"Your mother has zero understanding about real love. She only wants what she can't have. She will dump you the minute the next penis finds its way into her house."

OK the last 3 aren't really necessary.