O/T: Is a daily glass of wine wrong?
H tried to pick a fight last night over one lousy little glass of wine a day.
I think what his real problem might have been is I took my son on a short errand with me.
It wasn't just the wine either. He is nitpicking about dinner.
Saying how he doesn't want to eat after 8 this is taking too long bla bla bla.
We wound up eating around six thirty or seven.
So dinner wasn't late.
He seems to be just trying to sir shit up unnecessarily.
He is going to be gone for a week on biz.
I'm thinking he's already worrying himself to death that he won't be here to control everything because he is a major control freak.
God this man drives me crazy sometimes.
- positivelyfourthstreet's blog
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LOL! I wish he was just
I wish he was just whiny.
I can actually deal with whiny.
My kids whine and if it gets too bad I just tune them out.
He was asking me how I deal with their constant bickering.
I td him I don't.
They can usually work it out between themselves and as long as ther's nobody bleeding and no bodies hitting the floor why worry?
They are teens and very close.
I told him "You're a man right? So you've got this whole selective hearing thing down, no? Well so do I"
I'm not worried about
I'm not worried about anything like that.
I sometimes wish he would find someone else to pick on and leave me alone.
I think he may realize this.
It might even hurt his feelings but he will not man up and act right be as he would have to admit he was wrong so better to throw it all away and be right.
LOL! This reminds me how I
LOL! This reminds me how I was at the end with ex. He would go on "business trips" everyone would ask how I coped knowing he was probably cheating? My response "well, at least he is not at home bothering me! I would rather he was pawing and perving at someone else, and I get a nice quiet bedroom without his snoring and farting!". Yeah, people were not exactly surprised when we split LOL
I think it has more to do
I think it has more to do with not being able to control everything while he's gone.
If he raises a big enough ruckus we will all be wound up and worried about it while he's gone.
Control control control.
The kids kept asking Is it Sunday yet?
We are not planning to party down or anything.
We are actually looking forward to some peace and quiet.
Everything will still get done.
We just won't have to put up with his mood.
Depends on how big the glass
Depends on how big the glass is. My Dh would do the same thing when he would leave on trips.
I wish I could miss him like
I wish I could miss him like I used to.
It's probably just his 'time
It's probably just his 'time of the month'. I swear they get it worse than we do.
He also sounds a bit jealous of you and how you are better able to handle things.
IDK if he's jealous or not.
IDK if he's jealous or not. Hmm. Maybe.
Old and wise friends have told me he is insecure.
IDK what he could possibly be insecure about though.
It's not like I could really just up and leave him or anything like that.
I have too much self respect to cheat on him.
I am trying to get a job so I won't be completely at his mercy.
I watch Investigation
I watch Investigation Discovery so as not to get too complacent.
A glass as in a normal glass
A glass as in a normal glass not one of those glasses big enough for the whole bottle of wine ....
is fine so long as its in the evening.
I have an auntie who to me is looking like she has a problem, she started off with a glass of wine when the kids went to bed, she has 3 kids 10 and under, now she has a glass of wine once the kids are home from school as it makes "tea time go so much easier" <---- that type of thinking is a problem!
But yes maybe hes just stressy about being away
I never drink and drive. ONE
I never drink and drive.
ONE glass of wine was consumed AFTER the errands were done and we were in for the night.
Also he is a controller.
Also he is a controller. Back in the good old days when I had a good job worked forty hours a week did all the cooking and cleaning etc he would still find things to bitch about.
I had to stop sewing reading or what ever because I wasn't giving him and family enough undivided attention
Didn't matter if I was in the same room while they were watching a movie or something.
Maybe I wasn't interested in the movie but I was still with my family while doing hobby stuff.
The bottom line was I wasn't supposed to do or have anything for me no matter how harmless.
While he was so busy trying to control me and watch every little move I made his daughter was smoking weed and ditching school on occasion but instead of addressing that let's yell at my wife for sewing too much or reading too much.
I am not in the habit of serving dinner after eight.
He just wants to make issues where there aren't any.
He thrives on drama and chaos and will even make shit up if he has to sometimes.
About ten years ago I was really ill. Had a chronic health issue that was a major problem thankfully it is now resolved.
I had no energy and was in constant pain. I never took a pill unless it was unbearable and then only when I was in for the rest of the day.
My poor misunderstood husband threatened to call CPS one day because I had committed the unpardonable sin of being asleep at 11:00 in the ayem..
The kids weren't little enough that it would be dangerous or anything. They were not being neglected I made sure I took care of them they were fed etc. It was summertime so they weren't missing any school.
This is the kind of controlling man I am dealing with.
He tore a book out of my hands because I was reading too much for his liking.
When I was in constant pain he threatened to take my pain pills away from me. I did not ha e a problem with pills. I could make a bottle of thirty last for at least six months.
He can't stand it when I'm happy or climbing out of the hole he wants to keep me in.
He has issues.
I can't fix his issues.
No matter how many hoops I jump through or how fast I jump through them it will never be enough.
Do you get the picture now?
You don't deserve this. how
You don't deserve this. how he's treating you isn't love. good luck finding that job, I think that will help you a lot--- though your dh is probably going to try to sabotage it...
He's gone now but I still
He's gone now but I still can't escape him.
Woke up from dreaming I was doing dishes and he walks up to me snarling "Are you buzzed?"
I can still hear his nasty tone of voice ringing in my ears.