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Something has changed. Husband coming back to life? Help me figure this out, because HE won't!

positivelyfourthstreet's picture

H is acting weird lately. Friendly, doling out back rubs and sort of acting like a husband might. He seems to have lost that "PFS is my worst enemy" attitude that he had going on for so long. He has stopped monitoring and micromanaging me and might even trust me a little bit(he is a controller to the max). This has been going on for a few weeks now. He even asked if he was being too hard on my BS.

Bedtime. Backrub begins. The curiousity is killing me. I gots ta know!

Because back in January-if anyone is following my blogs they'll know-he had one of his regular meltdowns and threatened to move out of the house. I was tired of his shit and basically told him let's formulate some sort of plan regarding this. He backed down and I just kind of hung out and waited for his crazy to go away.

So I asked him. What's different now? I haven't changed a bit. I am still exactly the same as I ever was. So how did we get from "I think I should move out" to "I'm so lucky to have you?" in just a couple of months when I have done absolutely nothing different but disengage and wait for the crazy to go away? Is there something I'm doing different that's making you happy and I just don't know it? What is it so I can keep doing it? (Inwardly, I'm thinking "Thank God you finally pulled your head out of your ass for a while.") Is it the anxiety drugs you're on? Do they make you worry less about everything? Are they making you feel better?

He doesn't remember the meltdown in January. He doesn't tell me a thing. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada. Okay-you haven't given up control yet, I think to myself. "Let's just live in the now, okay?" He says which means I-don't-want-to-talk- about-it-because-I-fucked-up-not-you in manspeak.

The only thing he could pull out of his hat was I'm not drinking as much. That's really grabbing at straws though, because I never drank that much to begin with.

"Okay. Maybe someday we'll get this marriage thing figured out, huh?" I tell him and go to sleep.

The ONLY thing I can think of that's different now is maybe there is some distance between him and SD now that he's kind of starting to see how things are.

I told him he was acting like he'd been brainwashed for months. If he'd had any missing time, I would have been convinced he was in an affair.

The only thing different is, I'm guessing is that he isn't talking to SD that much anymore.

Is it possible that she's been putting little bugs in his ears all this time and he's been believing it and acting like an asshole to me because of it? I honestly can't think of anything else that is different. It's either this, or he has some kind of personality disorder or both. The man just isn't normal.

Help me out ladies(and gents if you like)I can't wrap my head around this and don't even know if I should try.

Maybe just ride the wave for a while and see what happens. While I wait in dread for the awful thud of the other shoe dropping.


kathc's picture

Could be he's just mentally fucked up and today he loves you, tomorrow you'll be back to being the enemy. Sorry, I've been through this for too long to sugar coat it. There may very well be NO reason at all aside from some chemical imbalance in his brain.