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prayerhelps's picture

Please someone, give me some reassurance that once SD turns 18, I will never have to deal with BM anymore!!! DH was out of town, and BM claims I did not give her phone messages to SD16. Immediately believes SD without even asking. What a load of crock. She is 16, for crying out loud, the only people she calls back are her boyfriend and friends. My chant for last few years has been---only 3 more years to go, only 2 more years to go, etc...

Do these BM just not know they are totally enabling their kids to lie and manipulate because their BM will just believe everything? ARRRGHHHHH


TheCharm's picture

Neither of us have seen or heard from SD19's BM since the date Lazygirl graduated high school (was already 18). That's her BM's decision.
My DH promises me that we can treat The Weasel like that too in 10 yrs even if she doesn't like it.

prayerhelps's picture

Yeah, once i get through next 2 yrs of hs w/SD and 4 years w/BS, we are going to move overseas with our three kids for a bit. Or at least that is our plan