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update on i am so mad right now it is not funny

preachercassie's picture

Sad my poor darling husband has just seen the light. He just walked in my ss14 his sons room. And could smell smoke he relised his son had been steeling ciggs from us and was smoking them. We ripped his room appart. Can you guess what we found. I had just had it out with this kid last week for calling me a FB now he gets caught steeling from us and god knows who else. There was lights that did not belong to us and ciggeretts buts all behind his dressor. My dh's pocket knif some of my dimond earing I found stuffed in his shoes. Not to mention the drugs. Witch I flushed as quick as I could. My dh lost it. He told my ss that he would never be aloud back into our house again. I was homeschooling this kid to keep him out of jail and he dose this to us. His mom is on her way to come get him now. Then I find out that my ss had gotten my 13sd to smoke ciggs with him. She is no angel eather. And my dh is starting to see that too. She will lie and minpulate just. As bad as her brother. Plus she has norespect for me what so ever. With no one realy. She treets evryone like we owe he everything.he old he that her brother was leaving and if she kept her shit up she would go right behind him. Then he told them when they where gone he was going to sell the house and move as far away as he could get. I just stood there dum founded and did not know what to say this is the first time ever he has stood up for me with the kids. We had talked before about selling the house and traveling but I did not think he would untill the kid had turned 18 and moved out. But he told me before I got on here to call the realitor in the morning I have never seen him like this. He means what he says heallways has. If he didn't have intentions of selling he would not get anyone else involved. I guess he has had enough of this and he is not willing to let the kids treat me or him that way anymore.