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i am so mad right now it is not funny.

preachercassie's picture

:sick: I am so angrey at my ss 14 he just called me a FB I was fixing dinner and I told him to saves some ribs for his dad and he got mad and started slamming around the kitchen mummbling under his breath then he set his plate down and walked into the living room. I told him not to start with me. So he strated running that mouth and I told him to shut it and he called me a FB then he ran out the door. I followed him and he picked up a shovel like he was going to hit me with it I yelled at him that. And said I was going to have him loccked up. His dad just sat there and he still is doing nothing about it. I am so mad I could spit. I left the room and now I am in my bedroom with the door shut. I have bent over backwards. To help this kid by taking him into our home because bm can take care of him and I homeschool him because he was saspeded so many time he was goinng to be kicked out of school and he is going to treat me like this I told my dh hey can put that. Little sob back in school and let him get locked up and thrown out of school because I done with a kid that has no respect for anyone . He has call his mom all kinds of names and he live in friend too. Now he thinks he is going to come here and do if screw it I am done.


preachercassie's picture

I told him I was done with this shit and I would not take it anymore from any of them ss sd or him. I told him just because I am a preacher and my vows where made to him does not mean I am not going to devorce his stuiped ass. I told him I was not going to put up with his kids and I will have ss locked up for pullinng a shovel on me.I also told him that Iam not willing to be a built in babysitter/schoolteacher/maid th a bunch of heathens. I told my dh that it is not my fault that his ex is mentaly ill and the kids have her problems that he needs to deal with them or I am leaving. I sent ss to live with his bm and now he is back more crazy than ever. Bm is a parinoide skitso realy she has papers to prove it. I have been trying to teacher her how to raise her kids for years now. I have even had this woman in my house oernight for hollodays. And for me to be treaded like this after everything I have done for this family realy bites

KatDarling's picture

You have given TONS to this family and when that doesn't work it is time to change tactics. No longer should such a disrespectful child be given so much of your time and resources, good luck staying strong.