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I wish I were a goddess

PrincessFiona's picture

But alas I am only an ogre. I am off to spend 'quality' time with my kids (DH, SD, DD, DS plus a friend) for a weekend camping trip. Since my kids (and skid) are not perfect or 'gifts' to all of god's creation this trip will require patience and much alochol.

I have so enjoyed the posts today. Very entertaining. I think I have gained a better perspective of our BM. I always thought she felt the way Goddess feels but that I must be wrong, normal people don't actually think that way. Now I think it must be true.

I hope you all have an enjoyable holiday weekend !


Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

I totally missed something this afternoon. What's this goddess stuff about? I read Flabs poem

imjustthemaid's picture

In the general discussion forum titled I'm a BM and I'M NOT THE PROBLEM!!!! Clearly she is the problem!!

LilyBelle's picture

I AM a Goddess and proud of it! (My real name is Polynesian and it means "warrior goddess." tee hee)

All women are goddesses.... guardians of our hearts and souls.

Our society has tried to oppress us, and it is our responsibility not to allow ourselves to be trampled upon.