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Reason #248 Why I'm a Bad Step-Mother: I'd like some time this summer to spend with just my bios. . .

princessmofo's picture

Hello Step-talkers. My name is Princess Mofo and I'm a bad step-mother. Why do you ask? Well, I would like to spend some time with my biological children without my step-son this summer. That, up to this point, does not seem like a possibility. You see, my bios are involved in summer camps all this month. Then a few more activities in July also. The weekdays that I am off I am watching my ss. He's not a bad kid, with the exception that he has the attention span on a gnat and has to be the center of attention. I've managed to keep him occupied since school let out. However, I will have him my entire week of vacation as well. I had planned on the bios doing some things with me and their aunt. You know, boring educated things like museums and the planetarium. Things ss clearly would not be interested in as it has nothing blowing up or monster trucks in it. However, I am saddled with him. DH is only taking half the week off of my vacation. So I'm stuck. And I'm kind of bummed about it. I know I'll just suck it up and take ss with me and it will all probably work out fine but still... I feel like I'm cheating my bios out of some bonding time. Such is life. . .


myspoonistoobig's picture

If you're a bad stepmother for that.... I think the rest of us probably are too.

myspoonistoobig's picture

Luckily when my bios are older I think there will be more ways to get some of that time!

SS... DH... I love you, but the girls and I are going to go have some girl time. PEACE!

myspoonistoobig's picture

That said.... if SS isn't going to enjoy those trips anyway... what if you could find a friend or responsible person to watch him/amuse him so you and your bios can go do the 'boring' stuff?

I know babysitter's are expensive, but with enough notice sometimes my friends are willing to help me out.

overworkedmom's picture

I feel the same way! My bio son was trying to talk to me last night privately and SS wouldn't go away no matter how many times we asked. FINALLY I got fed up and said that my bio is my son and he wants a minute with HIS mother alone. You are always so rude about casting the rest of the family aside and how you want time alone with YOUR dad so respect that BS wants a minute with HIS mom.

My kids are so cheated because of SS and I am really resenting him and is POS mother for not being a grown up and actually having custody of her son. I would be the happiest woman on earth if I only had to deal with him EOweekend!

Cocoa's picture

how is it fair that ss's bm can have all the alone time she wants with her kid, but you can't any with yours? i'd be damned.

Cocoa's picture

oh, honey, you're going to have to DO something here. you're miserable. it's not pre-determined destiny. its IS within your power to change it.

princessmofo's picture

Thanks, Misss. That means a lot coming from you. I'm really getting kind of f*cked off about it myself. Like I said, he's not a bad kid, but he acts like my bios are the opening act and he's the main attraction. And he gets all clingy with my sister. To the point I had to tell her off about it. Her response was that my bios weren't as affectionate with her as ss. I told her that's because my children have a sense of propriety and boundaries and are emotionally secure enough not to act like a perpetual toddler. And should I really be burdened by the fact that ss's mother and father could not see fit to enroll him some kind of summer activity? Once again I get all the responsibility and none of the credit.

RedWingsFan's picture

I'm sorry Princess. I felt that way when stepdevil14 was still around. My DD15 only comes in for the summer, otherwise she's at her dad's 1300 miles away. Stepdevil lives up the road. She'd come over every other week and just put a huge damper on my time with DD15. There were a few times DD15 called me at work and said "I'll be waiting for you outside the apartment, just pick me up and let's go, she's driving me INSANE".

I always felt like the time with my DD15 was infringed upon because of stepdevil and her "I am the center of the universe - look at me" attitude. DD15 couldn't stand her.

PeanutandSons's picture

You need to work out with dh some days where he takes SS and you get to be alone with your kids. Frame it as "father son time" instead of "I don't want SS around" time and they should get on board.

Even if its just one afternoon a week, you need to make it happen.