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O/T Potty training DH...WARNING: GROSS

quippers01's picture

My house has a full bath downstairs and a half bath upstairs. The toilet in the downstairs does not flush "solids" very well so it's a house rule that you do your "solid" business upstairs. I have my BD4 and BS9 trained on this already...have for a while now. DH36 and SD5 on the other hand, are proving to be much more difficult to train.

SD is only here EOWE so if she forgets it is understandable but DH should be reminding her AND he should be able to follow the rule himself by now. When I'm home he seems to have no problem remembering but quite often I come home after working 3rd shift to find a surprise in the potty waiting for me. You can tell he tried to flush it away but lets just needs time to become more of a liquid before it will obey the toilet Gods.

So, this morning, after coming home to yet another surprise, I explain to DH like I would a 5 yo, what our potty rule is and why we have it. Now HE's mad at ME...WTF? He also tried to turn it around on my kids and complain about them forgeting to flush upstairs. I am on them all the time about this...but at least it's upstairs so when you flush it, IT GOES AWAY and you don't have to stare at little bits of it floating around for the next 2 days.

Him going after my kids led us to the "your kid vs mine" argument...where I informed him that until he can get his kid to figure out how to crap upstairs AT ALL he shouldn't worry about mine. Seriously, she gets here Friday night and leaves Sunday but her crap doesn't leave until Tuesday. AND DH SAYS NOTHING!

Did I mention HE is now mad at ME?!?! WTF?


pastepmomof3's picture

Good grief! Hopefully things will calm down. I would be inclined to tell him that he will be responsible for making sure SD's potty uses are taken care of while she is visiting. AND, the next time there's something in the pot, hand him the plunger and say "have fun". After suctioning up a week's worth of crap, he'll get the point one way or another. Until then, i wouldn't worry to much about it. I know - easier said than done but totally possible. Smile Good luck. Smile

iwannagoback's picture

Unfortunately I do not have advice (5 YO SS still wears pull-ups) but your line about how SD leaves Sunday but her crap doesn't leave until Tuesday has me ROFL!!

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Next time this happens, just carry a bucket and an old to go cup over to DH and let him know that somebody slipped up on the potty rule. Yeah, you'll need to scoop that out and carry it upstairs where we can flush it down to chinatown.

He'll only have to scoop the doo a few times before he's able his poop in a group.

Bface's picture

If it's possible to fix, with a plumber and/or a new toilet, save the money and
do it. Unless you're fighting over lots of issues, it's a small price to pay to
avoid blow-ups and gross outs. Think of what counseling or huge arguments can cost
you. I know, we had them over the newly remodeled bath almost daily all summer long.
Nightmare remodeling story, but I won't bore you! Besides, if there is a problem with
toilet plumbing, you don't want it to get worse! Our toilet on the main floor had the same
issues and for now (knock on wood) it seems to work great with the new one.

quippers01's picture

That would be great advice's not broken, it's one of those lousy low flow deals. Also, we rent so just popping a new toilet in would require permission from the landlord (who covers the water bill) and a desire to increase the value of his property at our expense.

Thank you for trying though. Mostly, I just needed to complain about it...