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SD and BM suck!

mcnat's picture

if you haven't read previous blogs, you might not understand, but if you have you will.

THAT LITTLE BITCH (SD) WANTS MONTHLY VISITS WITH MY SON!!!!!!!!!!!! As of right now we were able to keep it from happening, but i imagine BM's lawyer will file a petition to make the visits mandatory. If she wanted her little brother in her life she should have thought about that before she took her little fat ass to school and told everybody and their brother that my husband molested her! (This was a complete scam to go live with BM... it worked) She has locked my son in closets, flushed his head in the toilet, and punched him in the face. Before you start asking why i didn't do anything it's real simple. 1.) found about the hitting and the toilet after the fact and 2.) while we had custody of the kids if we blinked wrong BM or SD would report us to CPS saying we were being abusive. 3.) I couldn't get DH to see how horrible she was until she did this.

My son is now potty trained (he's 4 - we couldn't potty train him because he was afraid of the toilet. He was afraid of the toilet because she was flushing his head in it! SD finally admitted to doing it about 2 weeks before all hell broke loose. He will also sleep in his own bed at night for the most part now. When she lived with us, he wouldn't sleep in his own bed, because she would go get him and practically suffocate him to get him to go to sleep. We solved that problem by having with us at night.
Before you ask, i wanted to call the police and threatened it several times, but DH and my mother were adamant that getting the police involved would not be good - hindsight is 20/20.

Now she wants to see him again!!!!!???????? I am fully expecting papers in the mail for a court date to have to fight to keep her away from him!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love DH, but damn he had blinders on with this child. I begged him to get her out of our home when she started doing drugs. BM knew about this but decided it wasn't important information and low and behold she overdosed and almost died...

I honestly don't think there's anyway they will be able to get her visitation with my son, because there is nobody to supervise it unless they expect me to hand my 4 year old over to SD and BM for a few hours which is not fucking happening. The thing is, BM probably in all honesty doesn't care either way if SD (from here on out SB for stupid bitch) sees my son. That's probably a bond she would rather break but she's going to continue to push the issue to keep SB happy as well as to make our lives miserable. FYI... My son constantly asks to see his brother, (and he will) but has made it very clear to us that he is afraid of his "sister" and doesn't want to see her because she hits him and hurts him.


Anywho78's picture

Is there a way to get your BS into counseling? If your BS has emotional scars due to the way SD treated him, there is NO WAY a judge would rule in favor of a child having to have visitation with his elder sibling/abuser!

If you can have counseling set up through the court or even simply to have your DS evaluated, I would think that it would help?

So sorry you're going through this!

mcnat's picture

he's only 4. i don't know what kind of counseling they can do. plus, he's fine as long as he doesn't see her. my stomach is in a knot, i just know that stupid bitch is going to go after her daughter having visits with him. Honestly, i will probably leave DH before I let those visitations happen. Our family has been through enough, and BM proved today that this was about money by asking for more CS when she was already getting $650.

Anywho78's picture

This is such a tough situation! Can you have the court assign a "Guardian Ad Litem"? If your DS is afraid of your SD, a counselor should be able to get that out of's worth a try! They could do play therapy OR simply ask your DS how he feels about family members by showing him pics of different people in his life...ANYTHING to keep your son from having to go through this with someone who abused him (punching & flushing heads down the toilet at 3 & younger is HORRENDOUS!)

Too bad that complaints weren't made when it was happening...

I am having a hard time believing that CPS took your SD's side...did she have exams done to prove the "abuse"? It doesn't sound like they have proof at all, otherwise, your DH would have had charges pressed against him. Your poor DS though! I can't see why the courts would have the right to insist that YOUR child see your Skids...this is just a crap situation all the way around!

Wish I could help, but I really don't know what to say!

Here's a link for basic info from the Texas Family Code...

mcnat's picture

no exams done. i was going to take her to the hospital for a rape exam but then she told me "he didn't rape he just molested me". So to be honest, i figured the STUPIDEST thing i could do would be to take her to the hospital, because she could have caused vaginal trauma to herself or let one of her boyfriends do it. Didn't want that type of possible evidence. They only "believed" her because she made the "outcry" to so many people. The DA dropped the case, saying "i can't win on this shit". When we presented everything to our lawyer, he just looked at us. DH is the 4th person she has accused of this. One guy is actually sitting in jail now waiting for trial!!!!!!!!!!!! That was just the tip of the iceberg with this girl.

As far as visitation, i understand about sibling rights and all that. BUT DH can't be around her and neither can and i (thanks to their brainwashing of SS i can't be around him either - they succeeded in ailenating DH from his children and getting $800 a month to do it). So who would supervise the visitation between pillhead/drug abuse SD and my DS? NOT BM, she had supervised visitations before all this kicked off!!!!!!!!!!

The abuse issue, was IGNORED by CPS! I begged them not to order the initial visitation because of everything she had done to him. My son even told them he didn't want to see her! They said they had to because it was causing SD anxiety not being able to see him! Then, the first visitation he runs to her and gives her a hug! But after that initial hug, he didn't really visit with her at all, only with SS. The 2nd visitation he didn't even acknowledge her from what i understand. But he did come home and began to get upset and refused to sleep by himself that night and had an "accident" in his pants. When the investigation closed out today, thank god so did his visits with her!

I know the temp order can't be challenged for 45 days, but i don't know if her having visitation is included in the temp order. So, for all i know BM could be at her lawyer's office right now filing papers for visitation between her child and my child. I swear i may scream!

Anywho78's picture

I just don't understand how they can think the happiness of a 14 year old out weighs the mental health & well-being of a 4 year old. It's just SO unfair! Poor baby!

You'd think that the moral of the story of the boy who cried wolf would eventually kick in...guess that's a thing of the past...pathetic what our world has come to! Sad if she was indeed molested by 1 (or more) of the 4 accused...but if she wasn't touched by any of them, she has in essence ruined at least 1 of their lives & reputations. It's horrid that she's so skilled at being heartless & manipulative at such a young age...heaven help us when she's older!

VioletsareBlue's picture

Are you smoking and drinking because I damn well would be! I'm so sorry you are going through this crap. You are doing all the rigth things, I hope you don't get an idiot judge and I hope you have an alarm on your house and survellance video outside.

mcnat's picture

we will have a new judge and so far our lawyer has advised us to settle on everything and quiet frankly i think things would have turned out better if we'd fought. We have the alarm, just have to change the code.

Anon2009's picture

You have to protect your BS. Seeing as she's still a minor, BM and DH are obligated to get her professional help to prevent this from happening when she's older. You shouldn't have to do anything for SD.

I hope your BS is doing better!

mcnat's picture

she wrote the judge supposably requesting that DH not be her dad anymore. DH is more than fine with that. However, until her step father wants to adopt her our lawyer has said it would be best not to give up his rights. It would like he's saying he doesn't want her and doesn't care if anyone else does. Basically he'd be throwing her away like a piece of trash - which in my opinion she is. Even if he does give up his rights to her, if her stepfather doesn't adopt her, he would still have to pay child support. The fact of the matter is, she doesn't want to be a part of our family. When she made up this lie, she knew the consequences. These two did this almost perfect, except for the fact that none of the details add up. So she gets the kids, he loses any form of a relationship with his daughter FOREVER and eventually will probably give up rights to her. Also, we are so afraid of what SS might say now after being coaxed by BM and SD that 12 - 16 hours a month visitation with him is all DH wants. This woman is going to bleed us for childsupport and make DH relationship with SS non existent.

Jsmom's picture

I have never heard of any state that would mandate step siblings to have a relationship. Sounds like she and BM are just full of BS. Disregard and continue to keep that brat out of your lives...