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Was Wondering

Rachel29577's picture

So I'm wondering how many of you have also had CPS called on you, DH, and or bio children from the Stepkids BM? SK's BM made false allegations against my children with the caseworker telling me on Friday she didn't find anything concerning from what any of the kids said (skids included) Until I get the letter stating the "investigation"  is over and nothing was found I will still be a ball of nerves. 


thiscantbenormal's picture

BM targeted DH on the CPS calls and there was 3 investigations but she called them frequently. And since the kids were coached to lie about their dad to counselors, they called too.

beebeel's picture

You likely won't receive any such letter because CPS only opens a case (a proper investigation) if they find any credibibilty to the complaint. If they don't find any evidence or reason to investigate further, they don't even start a file on it.

Rachel29577's picture

What makes it worse is he is a teacher and I'm a junior in college for Elementary Education. We dedicate our lives to children. 

thinkthrice's picture


thinkthrice's picture

First time the Animal Torturer (SD at the time 6) told teacher that the Girhippo (BM) punished her by making her walk outside in the snow without shoes.   Of course Chef gave her the benefit of the doubt. 

The professional coutesy was not returned when the Gir, who WAS a CPS worker herself, got angry that Chef put the Animal Torturer, at the time 8 yrs old, in time out for kicking the HousesHitter (YSS, at the time 4) in the face.

She stated we "split AT's lip" (permanently chapped due to nail biting), assigned "age inappropriate work" (picking up twigs for twenty minutes and emptying their waste paper baskets) also "inappropriate punishment" i.e. putting ATin time out for 20 minutes and not one minute per each year in age (eyeroll)

The Gir then threw her weight around and had the report srnt directly to the NYS Child Abuse and Maltreatment Registry while "mysteriously" not sending the report to us to dispute (clerical error, doncha know)

Took me a year to get it overturned which made the Gir furious.

lieutenant_dad's picture

BM called CPS a few times on DH and his parents. BM also lied about DH being abusive to her right before their divorce and managed to get temporary, supervised visitation for DH and the boys (found that lovely temp order the other day while organizing paperwork). Her XH also lied to DH once and said that CPS was at their apartment taking the kids, so DH rushed to the apartment only to find out the XH lied because DH wouldn't answer BM's phone calls (because she would call to ask for money and cuss out DH if he said no) and BM was giving him grief about it.

The funniest/saddest part about all of this is that BM is the one who has actually put the boys in danger, including dating a registered sex offender on probation while still married to XH. That XBF is now dating the XW of a close family friend and CPS has been actively involved for 2-3 years now because XBF has beat the crap out of the kids and violated his probation by living with them out of county.

So, while I don't know exactly what you're going through, I do know that my DH has been there before. It's a disgusting practice that is meant to destroy the other parent, which means it destroys the kids in the process. You need to keep your kids away from this mess as much as humanly possible.

Rachel29577's picture

Yes BM is married to someone who has 3 drug charges! Not to mention putting 4 innocent children through questioning of police and cps. She's a total monster. 

Chmmy's picture

If you'd like to read my last few posts, I have cameras now due to lies by the skids, mostly SS13.  SD21 and SD17 also liars but it is SS13 that concerns me most.  He is ADHD/ASD/SPD.  I bought a set of 4 Yi brand indoor cameras.  Just set them up this morning, so far so good.

Rachel29577's picture

I've been reading about your situation. So is it just the skids making allegations? BM made her own allegations that SD7 and SS5 said were untrue to the cps caseworker. Although SS5 often lies regularly about things even when speaking to his mom I've seen him lie to her about silly things. He is a carbon copy of his mom. Which won't be good for his father later on 

simifan's picture

BM threatened exH with Sexual abuse charges against our 4 year old (yes 4) neighbor's son during a custody move away dispute. ExH reported it first to control the situation. The neighbors still give me problems to this day, not that I blame them. 

ExSD was 15 or so when told her school  councelor we abused her with a punishment. We took her clothes and gave her 7 jumpers (similar to catholic school uniforms) to wear. We had the crisis team visit. They told her it wasn't abuse and she needed to serve out the rest of the punishment.