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Advice to a young single dad stuck between a BM and a GF - good advice regarding giving BM clarity.

Rags's picture


strugglingSM's picture

I watched this one and I think Steve should have been a little stronger in telling this young man to set boundaries with BM. As soon as the young man mentioned that BM was asking him what he did with his GF or telling him about what she knew about the GF, Steve should have stepped in and told him that unless he wanted to BM to be the only woman in his life forever, he needed to shut that down. If he allows BM to think that she can have an opinion or a say in his private life, then she'll drive all future women away from him. 

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I agree with this... I thought he was too soft on it...  Like it wasn't terrible advice, but he only made it halfway... For how blunt he can be with some, I think he was a bit too sugary with this one.  The guy made it OBVIOUS Bm was overstepping some serious boundary lines.