Just getting tired of the constant and nagging crap from THEM and their seemingly ceaseless efforts to break my kids self esteem
We called our son tonight (SS-16) to check in with him before he leaves for his SpringBreak visitation with the Sperms. He was so energized and thrilled as he talked to his Mom and I about his recent activities at school. Hearing the happiness and seeing the look on his Mom's face was pure bliss.
His Mom and I traveled to spend Parents Weekend with him the last weekend in February at his Military Boarding School. We spent time with his teachers who told me about examples of character that could not have possibly come from my Son. In early February his grades had been a bit low. Rather than go through the usual lecture and but chewing cycle I had told him that they were his grades and that he had better get them fixed before I had to. When we met with his teachers a few weeks after the week progress report he had been to each of them to get help laying a plan for raising his grades and had pulled every grade up significantly.
This evening he reviewed his latest grades with us and ...... my kid is now on the Commandants list and has a 3.0 GPA as a Junior in HS. He has always tested off of the charts on standardized tests but barely passes because he just won't do the work. Now he is busting his hump and doing every assignment and more importantly is taking ownership of his performance. If you would have told me he would be where he is now when we dropping him off at school for matriculation in August I would have called you a liar. Now I am one proud Dad.
The changes are not just in his academics. He is now a member of the rifle drill team and is totally in to the activity and supporting his team mates. He recently made if from the practice squad on to the performance team and was amazing in the demonstration performance put on for the parents. Wow, this kid just gets better and better..
The most amazing change is in his honesty. He has never been a bad kid but had a huge problem with telling people what they wanted to hear rather than the truth. You could not ask him a direct question without the first thing out of his mouth being complete bullshit. Over parents weekend he informed us that he had gotten some demerits for being late for class and had to walk tours as a consequence. His tours had been cleared when merits had shown up on his community service record for helping in the ROTC supply room. He had not done community service. While he was with his Mom and I at the grocery store where we took him to get some hygiene supplies (toothpaste,etc) he saw the JROTC supply Sergeant walk by. He excused himself and followed the Sergeant to inform him that unearned merits had shown up on his community service record. It was the wrong supply Sergeant. The merits had been incorrectly given by the college ROTC supply Sergeant and not the HS JROTC Supply Sergeant.
This evening my Son informed us that he had gone to the college ROTC Supply Sergeant and notified him of mistakenly applied merits. The Sergeant applied the merits to the Cadet who had actually done the work then told our kid that he appreciated being notified of the error and that the 3 merits would also stay on my son's community service record. The pride in is voice when he was telling us the story was amazing. He is growing in to a young man that will be of respected standing in society. I am proud to be his dad.
He also told us of recent calls from his BioDad and the SpermFamily. His younger half sister called to talk about spring break and had gone on to express concern that when he got in trouble at school that they made him run in circles while they beat him. Apparently SpermGrandMa had told his sister that this was how things worked at military school. The Military School experience is about dedication, discipline, honor, duty and achievement not physical abuse. It is tough but it is one of the most amazing confidence, character and performance building experiences a young person can have. I know, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity myself (though it has been a while since I was a young person). There were several other completely ridiculous comments from his half sibs as well as from his BioDad and SpermGrandMa. Those poor kids get their heads completely filled with crap and there is no mitigating influence to guide them through the SpermFamily bull shit.
He will be visiting THEM for 8 days beginning tomorrow. Hopefully their ingnorant bull shit will not diminish his incredible progress.
How much damage could they possibly do in 8 days? I know, stupid question right? :O
If they gut his pride I will have all of them run in circles while I beat them.
I can't stand the toothless, ignorant frickin IDIOTS!
Best regards,
- Rags's blog
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We call the post visitation period DETOX TIME!
We have exactly the same thing. When SS returned home from THEM he would be hell on wheels. Nothing extremely overt but he would do absolutely nothing without whining, crying, complaining and would do absolutely nothing in school after Spring Visitation.
We can usually keep his head pretty much out of his rectum for the fist semester of the school year because we get him back early enough in the summer to DETOX before school starts. Then he goes for a week at Christmas and DETOX takes a little longer. He comes back completely screwed up and starts the second semester grade death spiral from New Years until spring break. We can keep him barely above passing as far as grades are concerned.
Then he goes for SpringBreak and all bets are off when he comes home as far as grades and SpringDETOX is the longest of DETOX periods following the three visitations each year. He ends up failing just about every class from SB until the end of the school year.
This time I am hopeful that he has become enough of a young adult that he will not allow their toxic crap to poison the success he has developed this school year.
We did speak with him very candidly about staying proud of himself this SpringBreak and being very honest with them about how much he is enjoying the fruits of his performance.
I wish I could say that all three of us still have all of our teeth. I have all of mine, my wife has all of hers but the Skid is missing his two front teeth. You can take the kid away from the toothless idiots but you can't take the toothless idiot out of the kid!
Now I will clarify so everyone does not think that my wife and I are a bunch of slathering simians who would allow our 16yo kid to run around with no front teeth. When his two permanent front teeth were coming in (6-8yo?) he crashed on his bicycle and face planted in the curb and snapped both of them off at the gum line. Of course we ran him straight to the dentist who told us he could do nothing until they grew out some if they grew at all. The teeth continued to grow out for a while then stopped growing and eventually absessed. The poor kids face swelled up like a watermelon and his top lip looked like a bird beak. Every once in a while we will call him BeakBoy when we are messing with him. He had to have two root canals and caps put on both front teeth. That was a spendy adventure I can tell you. BioDad still owes us at least $1000 for his half of the uncovered dental costs.
Now he has two beautiful perfect front teeth that cost me a small fortune.
When the neighbor knocked on the door and I opened it to see my kid standing there with a bunch of tooth fragments in the palm of his hand and a couple of scrapes on his face I cringed. The neighbor explained that the boys (Skid and his son) had been riding their bikes, that my SS had forgotten his helmet and the boys had turned and were racing back to the neighbors house to get the helmet. Of course I went in to total parent mode and groused at my son that this would not have happened if he had been wearing his helmet. He responded "but Dad, the helmet does not cover my teeth!" :jawdrop: I dust stood there in dumb silence. He was absolutely right of course. For one of the few times in my life Rags had nothing to say.
I truly do love this kid. And my Mom's curse came true. I ended up with a kid just like me in many frustrating ways.
Best regards,
I have no doubt that you will be there to pull your son
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
out of any garbage to SperFamily tosses him in. Sounds like military school has been the best thing (of course, only next to your wifes wise decision to marry you) that could've happened to him.
Too bad SD17 wasn't sent off to such a school. She actually is pretty and has enough intelligence to do far better than she has done. But, as high school is nearly over, it's too late for that.
Had I been involved (as a stepmom) before she reached this stage, things would be far different. At least with her.
Do you think they would take a 44 year old man as a student?