We had a great Christmas but the 27th SUCKED THE MIGHTY WONG!!!!!!!!!
Christmas Eve was great. Christmas day was incredible. Mom's birthday (Dec 26th) was very nice. It is odd having a mother who is nearly a year younger than I am. She turned 46 day before yesterday
. Add 20yrs to get her real age.
Then the sun came up on Monday. The kid is right back to his computer game addiction and Monday was the end of my tolerance and my dad's tolerance for SS's bullshit. SS loved the car. But, he can't keep his eyes open long enough to pay attention to driving lessons or even to drive safely when he is behind the wheel.
We were out on Monday afternoon giving SS-18 driving lessons. He did great for about 45mins while his adrenalyn was pumping. He is very nervous about learning to drive.
After his adrenalin wore off he literally could not keep his eyes open. I was so pissed at him about staying up all night yet again that I was ready to take the car and give it to my wife as a commute mobile and we would park her gas guzzler SUV except for road trips and 4X4 trips.
Then came the classic moment of Monday Dec 17th. My dad told SS to pull the car over. We were out in the booneys on TX Ranch Roads teaching SS-18 to drive. Dad was in the front seat next to SS while SS was driving. I was in the back seat after taking my time in the front passenger seat with SS dozing off at the wheel. SS pulled the car over and dad got out to talk to him. They were standing on the side of the road and dad says to SS-18 "you can not keep your eyes open even to be a safe driver. Your dad and I are driving 3miles up the road and we will pull over. When you catch up, we will start over on your driving lessons." :jawdrop: GO DAD!
My dad took SS’s coat (it was 38 degrees and a bit windy) and he and I took off up the road.
SS showed up about 30 mins later, very cold and pissed off but definitely wide awake. He actually drove pretty well for the rest of the lesson.
When we got home to my parent's house I confiscated his lap top (yet again and for good this time) and my wife and I packed up and headed home leaving SS-18 to suffer through at least three weeks of GrandPa pre USAF basic training conditioning and Driving BootCamp and to finish his DL so that he can qualify for Aero-Space Medical Tech training in the USAF. He has to be home the end of Jan for Commanders Call then it is back to my parents if he does not sign his USAF contract.
My dad (68yo) is a former US Marine and exercises incessantly. He hikes ~35miles/wk with 20 lbs of wrist and ankle weights on, climbs ~300 flights of stairs a week and does 30 sets of weights a week. SS is in for a very intense few months with his GrandParents. If SS thinks his mom and I are the Nazi parents from hell ..... wait until Mom and Pop Rags get done with him. }:)
But, they love him and I am sure his insomnia and computer game addiction will be at least temporarily rectified once mom and dad get done with him. The sooner he heads off to USAF basic training the better. His mom and I are at the end of our rope with him.
Good kid or not, he is a PITA and has to get on with his life.
Best regards,
- Rags's blog
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Your dad rocks! I could use
Your dad rocks! I could use some more people like that in my family - myself included. Maybe you can rent him out? Boot camp for PITA skids?
He does not have his DL for a
He does not have his DL for a couple of reasons. He has had 3x per year visitation with the SpermClan for nearly his entire life. We have attempted on several occasions to get his license taken care of over the past three summers but the SpermClan ranted about his not missing any visitation in order to get his license so it never happened.
He was also away at boarding school starting the day after his 16th B-Day until he was nearly 18. Summers were split between his mom and I, the SpermClan, my IL's and my parents. Summer of 09 I tried to get him to study for his permit but he went in to head up the ass teen boy mode and refused to study or to take the test.
All of these things resulted in us being overcome by events (OBE) until now as far as his DL is concerned.
I was wondering the same
I was wondering the same thing why buy SS a car if he can't drive and why at 18 doesn't he have a license and what kid falls asleep behind the wheel of his new car - does he have a sleep disorder perhaps - sounds like something is wrong with him!!
LOVE this! The world would
LOVE this! The world would be so much better off if we could put some of these entitled brats into programs like this!
I love Grandpa Rags! His
I love Grandpa Rags! His approach to childrearing would solve a lot of what is wrong with the world.
You know what I love? That
You know what I love? That Rags' wife (BM) didn't flip out on grandpa when he found out what he did to her baby boy. Not saying grandpa was wrong! But if I did anything that even remotely resembled this to SD17, DH would have shit a puppy. One time when SD was giving me lip and being downright hateful and disrespectful, I refused to let her in the house for an hour and made her sit on the porch. During that hour, she called DH's cell phone something like 47 times (he was working out). After the hour, I gave SD another chance to treat me with respect and she took it (sort of) and I let her in. But I cannot tell you HOW mad at me DH was when he found out. Not mad at SD for being disrespectful but mad at me for punishing her for it. Ridiculous.
Go grandpa!
Not only did my wife support
Not only did my wife support my dad and I in addressing the Skid's "narcolepsy" issue while driving but she chewed SS's ass and took his laptop away permanently. She told SS that she would also monitor his cell phone and if he was on it after 10:00 or texting after 10:00 she would turn it off.
She is so SEXY!
Elizabeth-I LOVE that you
Elizabeth-I LOVE that you locked SD out. that is great she she completely deserved it!!!
Actually, not trying to
Actually, not trying to hijack Rag's post, but SD came home without her house key for about the tenth time. I was already in my vehicle backing out of the driveway headed to the grocery store with my two BDs when the car that was dropping SD off pulled up behind me and blocked me in. Thinking it would be rude to just drive off, I put it in park and got out of my van. SD then proceeded to try the door (which was locked) then start pouting then mouth off to me to "let her in the house." I started to do it and then thought, "Hell no." I told her that since she'd left her keys behind yet again and if she'd come home even two seconds later I'd have been gone, that she at least needed to be polite with her request. That set her off with more mouthing off. By this time her ride was gone, and she was yelling at me. So I gave her TWO more chances, then I turned around, got in my van, and left. I knew I'd be back in no more than an hour and we live in a very safe neighborhood. You'd still think, from the reaction I got from SD and DH and BM that I'd tied a steak around her neck and thrown her into a junkyard with a bunch of hungry dogs. I thought the punishment fitted the crime. She didn't take her key, she couldn't get into the house. Evidently I was WAY overboard, bordering on abusive...
rags, can i ship ss17.5 to
rags, can i ship ss17.5 to your parents house?
thank you in advance,
Have you thought about having
Have you thought about having your son take anti-depressants for a while until his chemical levels can be balanced again - it must be very painful to see your son suffering so much!!