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Just seeing the sleazy sd19 gets my blood boiling!

rainbow bright83's picture

So I stop over at the in-laws just to bs a while. All the sudden sd19 pulls up in bm car. (since BM sold sd's car after she kept driving it without ins.)
And of course she has her little baby (her money maker). She hangs this kid over the in laws heads. They basically bend over backwards just so she will bring that kid around.
Well, NOT me!
I know what she's doing. She's sniffing around, trying to figure out what she can steal or manipulate out of everyone.

So here is my rant:

So here she comes into the house. She takes one look my way and decides not to venture in the kitchen (where I'm stationed). She doesnt have the balls to come around me, and since she's an adult now, I can take off the kid gloves. Believe me, this is a long time coming! I'm just waiting for the day she tries to start crap with me. I maybe small but I was raised with all boys, and I dont scare easily!!! Even my kids are like "mom we're ready to go, let's go!" Because they know how deep my hatred for this nasty sleazy skank whore goes. I'm not quiet about it, everyone knows.

Anyway, know that I have vented, I'm going to take my happy ass out to eat! lol


ChiefGrownup's picture

I needed to hear this tonight. Dh has promised he will support me treating SD15 like an adult the day she turns 18. I PLAN ON IT. I daydream about it all the time, usually when she has done or said something awful like she did tonight. Just cannot understand how anyone would allow a kid to grow up thinking it's ok to insult people right and left. If she were my kid, I would have taken action in the moment. DH did, but it was way too mild. How do I know it was too mild? BECAUSE SHE KEEPS DOING IT. For two years now.

So I daydream about the day I can say, excuse me, young woman, people do not behave that way in my house. Good bye. Good effing bye! Show her the damn door. DH, my darling, you can visit her at Denny's if you like. Not here. SD? I would have liked to teach you this when you were younger. Too bad, so sad. Get the f outta my house now.

rainbow bright83's picture

SD19 is not allowed in my home. So when she comes over (for money of course) DH meets her outside and there they visit.
I have no outdoor sitting area, they have to stand. lol I can't stand her!!! Sometimes I wish I had Darth Vader's powers and I could slowly cut off her air supply lol }:)

My DH allowed this twit to call him Dumbass over and over. When she tried calling me Whore, Oh no little girl (she was 16 at the time). Not in MY house!

ChiefGrownup's picture

Why on earth do these guys allow that??????!!! SD was calling Dh a "butt" one morning. I put a stop to it myself and thank heaven DH supported me. He wasn't happy about it, but he did. Later we talked about it, he tried to argue that she was treating him like "one of her friends, it's 'intimate'." I told him if it's so wonderful and "intimate" then how come I don't hear him calling her these names?

He was grouchy all morning and by around early noon he told me I was right and he was mad at himself now. So he tolerates this kind of thing less now. But there are many leaks in the system! What the heck are they thinking???!!!

You give me strength. I'm gonna be all battened down fortress in 2 1/2 years.

ChiefGrownup's picture

"Emerging from the child worship like a cloud had lifted from his eyes" Dayum! Perfect description.

The Beatles. Oh, dear. Eleven? It's like a disease with these people. The Beatles!

rainbow bright83's picture

What really got to me was the fact that DH saw nothing wrong with it. And even went as far as to accuse me of just being mean and wanting skid to get in trouble. :jawdrop: <---- was my reaction! lol

ChiefGrownup's picture

Thank heaven my DH has never said anything like that. He may disagree with me on these things, but he never questions my goodwill. If he had, I would have a very, very serious problem.

Onefootout's picture

That's what gets my blood boiling. These DH's will take all kinds of shit from these total bitches but then when it comes to their wife, they have no problem standing up for themselves!!!!


dogtac69's picture

I feel sorry for DH. He is caught in the middle of this. His heart must be breaking. It is too bad you cannot rise above your hatred of his child.