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DH was on a roll last weekend.. my blood is still boiling!

mommabear's picture

YBS is only 22 months old, and boy is he ornery! He’s a boy.. nothing new.. we have 3 of them!
Several times last weekend, DH witnessed BS do something and he would say, “Spank him, momma.. whip is little butt.. that’s not cool!”

He said it again last night.. I finally snapped and bit my tongue NO MORE.. I said, “Why are you so quick to spank his ass.. he is not even 2.. SS6, on the other hand, NEVER gets his ass whipped and he does PLENTY to warrant a good ass-kicking DAILY!!! If you want to see a kid get his ass whipped so bad, then have at it.. WHIP SS’s ASS CUZ HE’S THE ONE THAT NEEDS IT!!!”

Now, please don’t think we beat our children.. lol.. we DO spank, but only as a last resort. I grew up getting my butt whipped, and I DO NOT think that I was abused or tortured or “HURT” by my parents.. NOPE.. I completely stand by the spanking as a punishment.. but like I said, as a last resort. DH was being more playful than serious, but I had just had it.. especially after the crap SS pulled last weekend with the movie and lying (see previous post)


mommabear's picture

Let me also add that it is not a regular practice to spank YBS.. he is not even 2.. he might get his hand smacked occasionally, but not a spanking. Just want to clear that up..

PeanutandSons's picture

My dh is also far quicker to want to punish bs3.....when the skids get chance after chance after chance.

PeanutandSons's picture

My dh is also far quicker to want to punish bs3.....when the skids get chance after chance after chance.

mommabear's picture

Why? DH is always so quick to punish BS11 (my bio that he has adopted) and BS1 (his and mine).. but skids get away with WHATEVER.. they NEVER get punished at our house.. why? I don't understand.. but it makes me sad