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DH tattoos

RayRay's picture

DH has skids names tattooed on his forearms. SD14 has her name on his right arm and SS7 has the left arm. SS7 is not DH bio son. He has just raised him since birth because BM is completely incompetent. My issue with this is now that we have LO on the way where does that leave her? He only has two prominent locations to show his kids names off to the world and those are taken. Having her name on his back hidden while the other two are out there for all the world to see seems wrong. Will she ask one day why daddy hides her name. When/if it comes out that SS is not even Daddy's bio kid will it be a bone of contention with the siblings. I have asked that he not even get one of LO name but he seems insistent. I do not have tattoos. Just not for me. I also would not want my name on someone but then again that is just my personal preference. Please help a girl out. What are the pros and cons of all this tattoo business?


robin333's picture

Agree. Having a tattoo with your name on someone's body doesn't mean more love. Personally, I have never appreciated tattoos. Have you seen how those tats look in the later years? I have seen many and none have been pretty or artistic.

StepX2's picture the woman who got a rose bud tattoo on her breast when she was young...35 years later and it's now a long stem rose!

LikeMinded's picture


RayRay's picture

Thanks everyone. I think the fact that the tattoo really means nothing but money spent on ink and his treatment and love of LO is all that really matters. Although, I would love to see her name on his forehead! HAHAHA I have considered having one for her done but I just don't think I could go through with it.

DaizyDuke's picture

I'm sorry, but I would rather NOT have my name tattooed on my father's body.... that is just, well gross to me. Maybe your LO will feel the same way

RayRay's picture

I feel the same. It's kind of creepy to me. Of course they all think I am too uptight because I explained that I did not really want her name on DH.

Glassslipper's picture

If I had to give an honest answer I would have to suggest on the right with his other daughters name.

RayRay's picture

I wouldn't mind it so bad on his arm with SD name but her name takes up the majority of his forearm. Very little room for anything else. I just hate that she might seem like an after thought as he had skids done so close together. Nor would I like my LO's name in graffiti letters. Don't get me started on that.

Shaman29's picture

I should have seen this one as a definite warning sign.

H has a tattoo on his upper arm. It's ivy wrapped around his arm with his initials and his kid's initials in the ivy. He told her it's because ivy is very difficult to separate and therefore they will never be separated.

At the time I was sweet. Now I see that his life is all about the two of them. I cannot stand seeing that fricking thing.

He wanted to do something similar right below it with our initials and I thank you.

robin333's picture

I rolled my eyes and simultaneously threw up in my mouth reading on ivy is difficult to separate part.

RayRay's picture

I had the same... sweet reaction to DH's tattoos also. That wore off quick as well. Now I have to make sure he has them covered up if we go to certain functions with my coworkers. There is not a tattoo amongst the whole group of us. LOL

RayRay's picture

I actually don't hate that idea. If he is insistent on getting it, like he claims. I will suggest this as a location.