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At the end of my rope with SS8!

RayRay's picture

To recap..SS8 ADHD combined with OCD and ODD and possible bi-polar. ODD being the most recent diagnosis. I just call it being the biggest brat on the face of the planet. I can not disengage anymore as DH started a new shift and I have to get the "lil angel" ready for school. Waking up in the morning, knowing that verbal acid will be thrown at you and that all your requests for SS8 to comply will be completely ignored, is not the best way to start your day. I have tried getting him to recite what he has to do to get ready (he knows and refuses to do it). We tried lists. Right now it is ask, tell, scream and even then sometimes he hasn't combed hair or brushed teeth by the tenth request or demand. Of course, he hates me, doesn't like me, wishes I would leave and says anything he can to try and hurt my feelings. Luckily, my give a dang busted a long time ago. Still I have to manage a semblance of sanity in the morning and get him dressed, fed and out the door without all hell breaking loose.
ANY suggestions at this point will tried!


RayRay's picture

Yes he takes and ADHD medicine and one to help counter the loss of appetite of the ADHD med. Of course the meds don't kick in until he gets to school.

RayRay's picture

I assume as long as I get his meds in him then I shouldn't care. Maybe the problem is I don't take him to school. Someone comes and picks him and SD15 up. Hate for him to go in there looking neglected but I cant fight like this every morning, get myself ready, get a baby ready and packed and then to day care on time.
The mornings were my favorite part of the day and he has taken that from me.

RayRay's picture

Thanks y'all. DH was supposed to lay out his cloths the night before so he would argue with me about that. He remembers to do this about half the time. I like the idea of the same outfit everyday that way there is nothing to complain about.
Food is a completely different issue. He is very under weight for his age, try 42 pounds, because I am assuming BM did a whole lot of drugs while pregnant and she is waif like crack head. Very important he doesn't miss any meals but at this point I don't think I can care much anymore. If he shrivels up and blows away that should be on DH.