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I'm watching the mover Stepmom...

red flags's picture

...and I just can't get over what a load of bullshit it all is. Seriously, if our BM were to ever actually speak to me about SD10, much less cooperate with DH and I on any issue, I'd fall over & die! Of course, that's probably why SD10 has the social maturity of a 6 year old. I swear, sometimes it seems like EOWE I discover a new thing she's completely behind on learning. Today's discovery... She can't even put her hair in a pony tail by herself. I don't know why this frustrates me to no end. Not my kid, not my problem. But good god, this kid doesn't even want to know how to take care of herself. I tried showing her like 8 times before I just did it for her because DH was running late leaving for her soccer game. I told her to practice it when she gets home until she can do it herself & DH just rolled his eyes at me like I'm an asshole. Looks like its time to check out again!


stepsonhatesme's picture

I was just watching it to, with dh. He's never seen it. "No way in hell that it would ever happen in real life". Those are my dh exact words. LOL