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Going to couples counselimg... Has this worked forbanynof you guys?

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I typed this whole long story out earlier, but it didn't post. Long story short, the shit hit the fan on Friday. Told SO, FDH, whatever the hell we are right now that I couldn't talk to him after the shit he's pulled without professional help. Want to screen this therapist for step-mom bias/issues. Wanted to know if you guys have been to couples counseling and how the first session went. I'm making a list of the things I want to address tonight, but I could use some words of wisdom for you guys who have been there. I. At my wits end.

O/T, sort of... Went to see a psychiatrist about our issues and wanted some advice from you guys

red flags's picture

I went to see a psychiatrist because I feel so overwhelmed by the issues w SD 11, and my fiancée, and just generally the stress of the last two years. He prescribed me Cymbalta and Ativan. I've never taken any medications like this, but I feel like I'd be willing to try anything at this point to alleviate the stress.

Do any of you have any experience with either of these drugs? Good, bad or indifferent? Any and all imput is welcome! Thanks in advance.

Any tips for an increasingly smart mouthed SD?

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And by tips, I am not just talking about her smart mouth, but her father's underwhelming reactions to it. While SD10 is slowly improving in some ways (according to DH, these are vast improvements, according to me they are existent, but spotty and relatively minor compared to where she should be).

Just when I thought I was out...They pull me back in

red flags's picture

Okay... I need some serious advice and quick! I moved out at the beginning of December and called off my wedding after my fiancée announced, unceremoniously, that he did t know what he wanted. I moved back to my parents' house because we had put his niece and her fiancé into my property as tenants a mere 7 days before this revelation (and to the tune of HALF of my mortgage...whole other story, tangent for another time). Bear in mind, we are law partners, so we still have to see each other every day.

Oops... That probably wasn't mature of me...

red flags's picture

I talked to ex FDH on the phone tonight after basically not speaking since yesterday morning. He declined to pick up his daughter and instead went out & got tanked with one of our friends to talk about what a crazy bitch I am for calling off our wedding. I spent my entire day packing. Got 95% done in 4 hours (nothing like anger to motivate a gal). He made a snide comment about how nice it is already to have my dogs out of the house. I slipped and said how nice it was not to be around his daughter.

Ohmigod... I did it.

red flags's picture

I can't believe I did it, but I did. I called off the wedding & moved out. Should be fully out by next weekend. Wish me luck! Just can't do it. Thank you to all of you wonderful ladies for being there when I thought I was losing my mind. I just took it back, and I feel relieved as much as sad. I will still check in, and I wish you all the best, but for me... Operation Step Mom = EPIC FAIL! And, I'm out!

Fight or flight is killing me!!!!

red flags's picture

I did FDH the FAVOR of staying at my brother's place last night. Only to avoid fighting in front of SD10 so she could feed it back to BM. I do this all the time. Every time we are in a fight of his making, I leave so that the princess doesn't see me sweat, and so I don't get to turn into the "crazy bitch" my FDH describes as every female that has ever disagreed with him. Sometimes it's my parents' sometimes its my brother's, but IRONICALLY, it's not MY house that I OWN! Why? Well bc we put tenants in MY house. Hs relatives and at a rate of half my mortgage.

Sorely mistaken on that "not anything earth shattering" description

red flags's picture

So, I stayed out until after SD10 went to bed so my fight w FDH (I assume this means future dick head husband) didn't become BM's business and so he could be a Disney dad outside of my eye rolls and glares. Was headed home around 10:00 when I got a shitty text. I called him to ask if he was ready to apologize for what happened between us earlier today. He told me that I'm waiting on an apology that isn't coming and in a round about way told me he's not sure he wants to get married.
