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my step daughter is going to ruin my marriage

red87's picture

Well reading these posts really made me feel better because I have been feeling so guilty for the way I feel towards my step daughter. I'm not the only one with this problem! I have been with my husband for 3 years we have 3 kids his daughter that's 10 and his son that 4 and my daughter that 7. It started out we would have his on the weekends and at first she(his 10 year old now met her at 8 years) was very very sweet but if she did not get her way she would become intolerable physical throwing herself on the floor screaming as loud as she could until her dad gave in so she would stop. I would be stuck with her most the time because he "had to work weekends". At the end of the day I would be almost in tears because she would be so bad and he would come home and baby her. Now she is living with us because her peace of **** mom took off and to say the least I was not looking forward to this because she was with us the hole summer and I almost lost my mind. She has been very aggressive towards me and my daughter she has attacked me because I took away a doll from her, after her screaming in my face, as punishment. I try my hardest to stay calm and be far to all the kids but she will do things then blame it on them she is always lying to us she bullies the younger kids. My family will take them a do things and my SD will be so bad it's embarrassing she acts worse then my 7 year old and does not want people paying attention to her. She will shove her away from people and at home if one of us is giving her attention she will come in the middle or do something that we have to yell at her about. If her dad is home she gets really whinny and won't do anything she is asked to do then it becomes a big fight and she turns evil the only way I can describe it. If he is not around it just her being evil talking really bad to me will not listen whatsoever she talks back all the time or pretty much tells you what your going to do for her. She will sneak food candy whatever she can get a hold of I have had to stop buying treats for the kids because she will eat it all then lie about it or blame it on the others, will find the the wrappers in her bed or under it. she will hide toyies so that my daughter won't have them and most the time it will be her toy to begin with. They have to share a room right now but my SD has taken over the room with all her dirty clothes all over and won't let my daughter come in there most the time she gets mad if my daughter touches anything even though it was hers and we mad it very clear that she has to share her things with my SD, now because of her behavior and my daughter's inability to stick up for herself she just let's it be and has been sleeping in the living room/play room were I have put a bed for her. My SD can't do anything for herself I have had to show her over and over how to bath properly she doesn't wipe after using the restroom she still wets her pants but finally stopped wetting the bed it is like taking care of a 1 year old but It can talk back very rudely. I have tried to have talks with her other people have to about her hygiene and how awful she smells most the time. She is still in the third grade and will fight with us with homework screaming throwing stuff anything she can do to get out of it. I think there is something mentally wrong with her but no one will do anything so I am trying my best to convince her dad that she needs help or something because all this is left to me to deal with while he is at work I work nights and can't sleep because I don't and can't trust her. Now that she is in school things have gotten a little better but I am slowly loosing my sanity and really don't want to put myself and my daughter through all this if something is not done by someone other then me. His family was all over him getting her but don't seem to care bout what we are going through with her but I think my husband is getting a better idea what I have been going through I make him get them up and off to school. While I take my time getting home from work lol.


Blueburger's picture

Yeah you need to document EVERYTHING and if you have pictures/video even better...good thing she's not my sd...Jesus I thought mine was bad...And yeah I agree, kick your DH in the balls...and then throat punch...

Aeron's picture

You are in a terrible position and you have my sympathy. That said - your SD isn't going to ruin your marriage, your DH being a crappy parent (and husband) is.

I know the fits are horrible, miserable, evil things, but he needs to Stop giving in to her. She is this way because she's babied and coddled. It is her father's fault at this point, I don't care what BM did before she ran off. He needs to be a parent. He procreated with a worthless woman , he needs to step up and do what is best for this kid, not give in because its hard. And let me be clear, HE needs to do it, not push it off on you.

I have a hard time with the thought of staying in a situation where my own child would be so mistreated. Your daughter is being bullied, physical abused, deprived of her things and her space by another child and the solution is to set her up in a common area? It also sounds like your daughter is likely getting somewhat emotionally neglected as well if she can't get any time or attention without SD basically attacking or butting in. I'm not trying to slam you. Your daughter is your responsibility. She is obviously unable to protect herself in this situation, so you Have to Protect her.

You don't say much about how your husband reacts to the way SD treats your DD or how he does much of anything except coddled her. So I have to assume he probably doesn't do much of anything. I would personally be making it very clear to him that he either gets his little hell spawn under control or I would be removing my daughter and myself from the home and the marriage. This kid is 10. Se already ballsy enough to attack you now. What do you think is going to happen when she's 15? 17?

SituationalTourettes's picture

Better nip this in the bud asap because it definitely won't improve as she gets older. And while we as mates try to give our DH's the benefit of the doubt, in the end this is HIS problem and HIS responsibility. What if you weren't in the picture at all and BM bailed? He would have to handle his kid himself anyway. Time for him to step up and protect you and the rest of the kids. She sounds like she is so traumatized by her mother dumping her that she is acting out to push everyone around her and see just how much they will take. That little girl is still a little girl and definitely needs some professional help. And her BM needs an ass-whupping.