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Things have been going pretty good...

redheaded_stepmom's picture

but yesterday showed signs of patterns repeating themselves. SD15's bf just moved back to the states. We went out of our way to make sure she got to spend time with him every day the week before he left. We talked to her about how they could still IM and email and skype...even told her she could call him once a week for 30 minutes. I think that is very generous of us...especially since, IMO, teenagers have no business trying to have long distance relationships. Apparently, we are not being generous enough...the boy has been gone less than a week and she has already called him 3 times for more than 30 minutes a piece. We live in a different country, not in the U.S. where the boy lives now. It costs lots of pretty pennies for her to make these phone calls and we don't make a lot of money. We had a talk with her about it last night, and, of course, we are the worst, most evil parents on the planet. She is IN LOVE, and we are just shitting on her dreams for her future with this boy, according to her. Apparently he has already told her he wants to marry her and she is the only one for him as long as he is the only one for her...blah, blah, blah...he was just trying to get in her pants, IMO. Anyway, we are not telling her she can't try to continue with this relationship, but that she has to respect our rules and that there are other ways for them to communicate other than over the phone that are FREE! I knew, sooner or later, after the bf left the shit would hit the fan...I believe we are in the early stages...OH JOY! I CAN NOT wait for her to go live with BM for the summer!


burnet's picture

WTF? Visiting alone? Strike that, even visiting with a parent is bad news.

to the original poster. You can always try installing a pay phone in your house.