this close.....
I have tried really really hard not to moan and b*tch too much in my time here, but tonight I REALLY need someone to either talk me down or build me up, I don't care which. I'll listen either way.
I'm sure you all know there's always a constant stream of events and actions that happen in our lives that just really tick off. From bad hygiene to choices in hair or makeup, but when you add those things on top of something that hits you harder, you just break. And that's where I am now. Geez, now where to start....
I have a fairly nice home, not fancy by any means, but enough room for my large family (though I didn't know I was going to need it when I bought it!) It's old and things need TLC, and that's something the kids won't learn. I didn't have any trouble when it was myself and my two girls. They were typical kids, with messy rooms and me nagging to clean up after themselves. But the steps are another story. The moment they arrived, I realized they were seriously lacking in certain skills, everything from never brushing their teeth, hardly ever changing their underwear, and making 'messes' in the bathroom...and walking away for someone else to clean it up. The youngest at the time was 6, and the oldest 11. The same ages as my two girls, and they were never nearly as bad. I hoped that with patience and teaching, and the influence of my kids around them, they would learn better habits. But the opposite has happened! All six are so destructive, that my poor house is falling down around us as they knock out windows, kick in doors, tear off paneling and molding, soak the old wood floors... you get the picture.
Most people stay the stupidest thing to me: "They're just kids". I HATE that! They are now 10, 10, 12, 13, 14, and 15. In my point of view, only 3 of them are 'kids', and the rest are young adults! No, I do not expect them to behave as adults, I do not expect them to take on adult responsibilities, but I do expect them to have SOME responsibility. Even the 3 younger ones should have more respect for their home, and family, than to treat it this way. I have very clear chores delegated, and have been told that I expect "too much". So first, what is your opinion? Am I really asking too much?
Child 1: Wash, dry, put away dishes, clean sink area.
Child 2: Clean kitchen counters, sweep kitchen, take out kitchen trash
Child 3: Take out trash from the rest of the house
Child 4: Clean children's bathroom (they have their own that no one else uses)
Child 5: Clean laundry Room (cat litter box, fold and put away towels after I wash them
Child 6: Vacuum foyer and hallway by kid's bedrooms, clean kitchen island
On top of this, each of them is responsible for cleaning their own bedrooms, getting their dirty laundry to the laundry room, and putting away clean laundry. We often alternate dinner cooking between myself and the 3 oldest. And the chores alternate between them regularly. I have experimented with everything from daily (too hard to keep up with), to monthly, which is where we are now. I think monthly is great. You should know by day 3 of the month what your chore is. And you only have to do dishes once every six months! That's the one they complain about the most.
The chores are posted on the refrigerator, and I have even gone so far as to include exactly what I expect from that particular chore because they just won't do them. (Do I really have to spell out the fact that you take the trash out before it is overflowing, or that "clean" dishes don't have food stuck to them? yes...I do) It's so frustrating!
I THOUGHT I was helping them learn responsibility and home skills.
um...I got off my original topic....
anyway, one of the reasons my home is so important to me is because of my 'past life'. My ex-h became a manipulative drug addict on good days, and a mean drunk on bad ones. I spent 12 years with no security, and no home of my own. Buying this house was the biggest step I took to getting my life in control. And I swore that no one would lay a hand on me or my kids, or lie to me, or steal from us again. And one or more of the kids in my own home is doing just that: lying and stealing. It rips my heart out, and I'm sitting here typing through tears. All of my collector coins are gone. But it's not just 'big' stuff, it's every day little stuff, things that are MINE. that they know are MINE. And the principal behind them stealing from me, and lying to me about it, and about so much other's killing me. I want so badly to just dump the whole lot on the doorstop of the juvenile detention center. To have an officer come over and read them the riot act. SOMETHING. anything.... what do i do?
- Renee G's blog
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Can you add a little bit more?
I was just wondering what you do to discipline them when they don't perform their chores? Also what privileges do they have in your home? and where does your DH fit into the equation? Thanks :-?
hubby is VERY supportive
hubby is VERY supportive...BUT..his jobs requires him to be away from home 3-7 days at a time, and home for 1-4. He made a lot more changes to his views on parenting, and responsibility than I did when we got together. we always talk about what is going on, and they listen to him more. He simply reminds them about the chores and usually off they go. When they don't he takes away their cd players/mp3 players/dvd/computers. And they mope around for a few days and then when he has to leave, all hell breaks loose.
I have tried taking away privileges, grounding them to their rooms, even spanking (pointless!). They seem to rather spend long boring hours in their bedrooms with no TV, music, or PC than to just do the chores, which would take all of 10 minutes in most cases.
I want so badly to be that mom all the books tell me to speak to them in a calm authoritative tone, never raise my voice, always keep my cool, But I can't. Lately I have been so mad that I have a constant stomach ace and have to drive around the block a few times and cry. I HATE crying in front them. 2 of them get this little smirk like "HA WE WIN AGAIN". I know they see me as a nobody, I'm not their "mother", but my own flesh and blood are becoming just like them!
renee - *blend
Is it a kid a skid or both
Is it a kid a skid or both who is stealing from you? If it's a skid, your DH needs to open up a big can of whoop-ass on him/her. If it's a kid, then you need to open said can of whoop-ass. Either way, what was taken must be replaced and if it cannot be replaced, then they must find some way to compensate you for your loss. (And that does NOT involve DH buying their way out of their punishment.) Beyond that, I just don't know what to do, either. I wonder if you called your local police dept. and explained to them what was happening, if they would be willing to send someone out to put a scare into these kids. If not, then I'd make sure all the kids know that the next thing that turns up missing, you're calling the police to report the theft.
You're right, they are not "kids" anymore, the oldest ones are young adults and I think you should be able to expect way more from them. We had a problem two years ago when my son, who loves apes, carved the word APE in his dresser with a thumbtack. We removed anything even remotely ape-like from his room for a month... toys, books, drawings, EVERYTHING. And it was just last week that he could sit comfortably again.![Wink](
I'm sorry for your disappointment... it really sucks when you do the best you can and get bit in the ass for your troubles.
~ Anne ~
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice: Pull down your pants and slide on the ice! -M*A*S*H (Sidney Freedman to the OR staff on dealing with stress)
i really wish i knew
I really wish I knew if the culprit was a bio or a step. Because I can guarantee the bios would get it worse from me, because I have raised them from birth to be more moral than this. The steps have a little loophole in that they were raised, well, differently, by THEIR bio mom. Though after 4 years, THAT excuse doesn't quite carry as much weight as it did when they moved in. On the other hand, if dad finds out which it is, regardless of which of the 6, his can of whoop is bigger than mine. And they have more respect for him than for me. My kids treat him like more of a father than their own, because he has shown them for the first time in their lives what a dad is.
Sometimes I feel like I've lost my family, instead of gaining one.
renee - *blend
I'm trying to find some words of
encouragement for you Renee however I have no bio kids of my own and I imagine with 6 it's incredibly difficult to be the authority when you are outnumbered particularly when your husband is away. Do any of the kids visit with their respective other bio parent? Is it possible for you to have them visit for an extended period to let your kids see how good they have it at yours and to appreciate you more? I guess if I were in your shoes I'd probably come at it through my biokids. Can you arrange to have some mom-biokid time alone and really reach out to them and ask them to help you by leading by example, probably the oldest is the best one to approach. I'm puzzled as to why your girls feel the need to become like your skids, do you have a great relationship with your daughters? Usually girls are closest to mom and want to do right by her. I'll keep thinking for you. Sorry I don't have too much to offer - maybe you have full custody - did you mention that? I'd probably refuse to watch Skids when DH is working so that I could spend time working with my own kids first. Maybe that's not an option. I think if you could get your own kids back on board and the skids could see your kids get rewarded for jobs well done they might see the error of their ways.
no solutions
all 6 girls are with us full-time. neither of the 'other' bio parents even bothers to see their kids. It's been 4 years since my steps have laid eyes on their bio mom, and probably 3 since my bios have seen their father. I tried talking with the oldest bio, and i honestly believe she doesn't know who is responsible for the theft. She has always been a very honest person, and would be the first to confess to anything she did, and took her punishment without complaint. She seldom did much too horrible to warrant much punishment, except fight with her sister. i asked her why she feels acting up is better than behaving like i have raised her, and she just shrugged her shoulders. It's difficult to separate what is attributed to her becoming a teen, and what is caused by the actions of the other kids. I know why my youngest is so much different: it's a defense mechanism for her. She's very sensitive, and cares about EVERYTHING, from the amount of paper we don't recycle, to the earthworms in the yard. And the steps can be vicious with their teasing of her, like telling her exactly where her food comes from. She's been a borderline vegetarian since birth, and now she refuses to eat any meat or fish when the kids are around her. If she is alone, she is ok. So she is becoming more and more 'mean' as well.
My daughters and I used to have a great relationship. But for years is was just the three of us. Now, I can't have a simple conversation with them without someone complaining that i'm treating them better than the rest. We have really taken a huge loss in our relationship since the steps moved in, but still i am accused of being preferential towards my bios. I mourn the loss of that closeness, I miss my kids yet they are around me all the time!
People have suggested that we just pay more attention to them, but it's impossible with 6. The moment we start to talk with one, there's 2 more butting in and trying to 'one-up' each other with their stories. It frustrates me, and I just give up. We have started taking them one at a time for the day when we have to go to the 'city' for shopping and such, and the difference in how they act and speak to us is tremendous. They are such fun when they aren't in a pack, but shopping trips get very expensive when he have to drive 90 miles to take them to a mall or movie.
I appreciate your comments, and I have been thinking that maybe I should just say to hell with the accusations of preferential treatment and take back my relationship with my kids, and like you said, maybe the steps will see and learn from me interacting like I used to with my kids.
renee - *blend