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Hysterical crying fits?

riddlemonster's picture

I know a lot of people on here have experience with normal behavioral issues as well as behavior disorders and things like that. I have a two year old daughter and I'm wondering if this is normal or possibly somethig I should get checked out. For the past year or so, she will occasionally throw a fit/ temper tantrum that is very different from normal for her. She gets hysterical, screaming and hitting and kicking and I just CANNOT seem to snap her out of it. Nothing gets through to her. I have tried holding her, talking to her calmly, just restraining her, walking away (while keeping a close eye on her of course), and unfortunately have also attempted spanking her, which I prefer not to do but so far has been the only thing to jolt her out of that state. That no longer works, and I refuse to try anything more than a smack on the butt when she obviously is not in control of herself. I've asked the doctor about it but he assumed I was overreacting. I really don't think I am, as this has only happened around 10 times over the past year. But before I attempt to get her checked out, I thought I would ask here to see if you guys have any insight.


pixiedust10's picture's so hard to say at that age...I would try to document as best to your memory what triggers it, what seems to make it worse, and what seems to eventually calm her down. Bring that to the pediatrician, and ask for a referral to a specialist if need be. You are a mom, trust your instincts.

smdh's picture

I've noticed my son does this (he is nearly two) when he is over-tired. Keep track of sleep patterns. Does it happen after a few days of no or a short nap? Did she get up earlier than usual for a day or two in a row? It happens with my son when his naps have been irregular. He just gets beyond consoling.

sonja's picture

This post caught my eye. My own BS2 has his fits but they are never what SD5 used to act like. She was out of control. If I continually get a 'no' response from BS and he wont lay still to get changed/dress (since this is most off when it happens) after a spank if he continues to fight back, Ive had to put him in his bed (still in a crib) and leave the room, when I come back he is ok (maybe 5-10 mins).

I have been very on top of his behavior because SD is so used to doing whatever she wants, screams until she throws up on herself, and no spanking or punishment will make her stop screaming, it makes me think there really is something wrong with her on some level? How can you punish a child and get absolutely no reaction?