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Attending Graduations

RockyRoads's picture

One of my nephews is graduating HS and of course I am going. SO then talked about SD and another one of my nephews graduating next year. I mentioned that I hope they are not on the same day.  He said he of course has to go to SD and I said of course I have to go to my nephews. He said I can't even talk about you not going to SD and had tears in his eyes. I can't see a concern a year out. We were just having a conversation. Unfortunately I will choose my nephews over his children. I don't have a bond with his kids. My nephews are my family . What are your thoughts ?  


grannyd's picture

Your husband is not thinking logically. I would never have missed a graduation of my beloved nieces/nephews (nor did I) to attend my SD's graduation. Family is family and the old adage, 'blood is thicker than water' will always be true.

 It's unfair for your husband to expect you to attend his child’s ceremony and disregard that of your nephew. Hon, don’t accept any guilt trips on this topic! Perhaps you could consider taking the girl out for dinner the following day to celebrate her accomplishment?

Lillywy00's picture


These kids need someone to support them on milestone days that only happen once in a lifetime. 

Like granny d said the logical thing to do IF skids and nephews graduate on same day would be to "divide and conquer" or attend half of one then half of the other together. 

Yall all can always meet up together later with everyone at a family gathering or something 

Survivingstephell's picture

A lot can happen in a year and who's to say if SS walks?  IMO he's starting his game too soon.  

CajunMom's picture

Without hesitating, I'd choose my nephews over DHs kids. Like you, no bond. Even moreso, no relationship with DHs kids after over a decade of tolerating their crap behavior. I completely disengaged about 6 years ago and have only seen a couple of DHs kids and very short interactions. I refused to attend a wedding of one of his kids and I refused to attend birthday parties of kids (grands) I was shunned from. I mean, the invites were only to appease DH and I refuse to go anywhere I KNOW I'm going to be treated poorly. 

It's mind boggling how these men can even THINK we'd give up our family over their troublemaking kids. SMH

Harry's picture

Wants you in the BM role As in his family is the same as before divorce but remove the ex insure you, Happy Family [ what was never happy]  goes on.   He wants you to be that person, but knows you can't be. That's upsetting to him.

RockyRoads's picture

And what is funny is that my nephew will actually be upset if my SO can't make it. He calls him Uncle.  SD won't care if I am not there, heck she probably won't even care if SO is there. She doesn't tell him things that are going on like that. We had to see she got and into National Honor society from a local paper. There was a ceremony and everything. We never get told about her cheer banquets. BM and step dad attend. We see that on a friends Facebook page. 

Rags's picture

IMHO it is about the quality of the relationship and the demonstrated quality of the graduate.  Quality gets the attendance at their graduation.   The challenge comes in when both kids who are graduating are good kids and have mutually respectful relationships with the invitees.  That makes the choice of which to attend extremely difficult.

So far, we have not had that conflict.  In fact we have had no conflict because no graduations have coincided.

There have been a few graduations in my IL clan that my DW attended and I did not. Though not out of conflict with another graduation.  I go when I can fit it in around work.

An interesting juxtaposition regarding what follows a graduation.  In my IL clan  the graduate peaks at graduation then commences a long glide path of degrading life struggles.  My  DW has been the only one to grow rather than degrade after gradation.  In my family graduation is a beginning to a long journey of accomplishment. 

One side there is drama and a hollow superiority complex that focuses on manipulation, attempts to embarrass others, and has this air of smirk at the person who is not going down the well worn path that everyone else has gone down ad infinitim. On the other  side there is true love of family and a dedication to making a future rather than eternally repeating a past. that has a vein of sadness about it. 

My DW makes our family name that much better.  In her family, she has been told that she intimidates her sibs and much of the extended IL clan family looks at my DW and me as some kind of idiot snooty relatives while we are the only ones without multiple foreclosures, reposessions, and bankruptcies.  We have never had even one..

I truly hope that kids who are graduating go on to lives of love and accomplishment rather than a sad replay of the failures of their families.  Even when there is that history, there can be a different choice.

My DW has certainly proven that.  


RockyRoads's picture

Both my nephew and SD make great grades Each will be attending college . My parents are both gone and I am kind of the "matriarch " because I am 10 and 12 years older then my siblings.if anything would have happened to my siblings and spouses I would have been the one to care for my nephews.  SO is barely talking to me . Won't tell me whats wrong. Of course it is this.   But it is a year away. It may not even fall on the same day.i can't believe it is such a thing. What is sad to me is that this shows he was trying to get that happy little family. Well he didn't and it will never happen with me or anyone else. The dysfunction flows too deep. 

Survivingstephell's picture

You can find out graduation dates on your own.  They are traditional and schools have the school year planned out ahead of time.  Even for those that do it outdoors have a rain date or back up plan.   Find out what you can and keep it in your back pocket.  Sounds like you have bigger issues toco from than a date on the calendar.  Focus on that and don't let him use this minor "problem " to distract from the real issue.  

Rags's picture

A year away and no idea what dates are in play for his Spawn's graduation or your Nephew's graduation?  Wow, your DH is a drama queen of monumental proportions.

I would sit him down, put the calendar in front of him, and give his clarity that his fabricated non drama will not be tolerated and attendance at these graduations will be addressed a year from now when there is actual information to act upon and he needs to knock his hurt fee fee shit off.. and now.


Dollbabies's picture

sit him down and tell him to get over it, that I am going to my nephew's graduation come hell or high water and will attend his daughter's if it doesn't conflict with my nephew's. And I would tell him to stop with the silent treatment game because this conversation is over and done. Otherwise, this will get rehashed ad nauseum for the next freaking year. 

MorningMia's picture

One of my life rules since entering steplife is to spend my time and efforts with kind people who mean something to me and to whom I mean something,

I was a slow learner, but it hit me one day that life is too short and I was sick and tired of being one of those old blowup clown punching toys. Oh! Now I have an accurate idea for a profile pic! 

RockyRoads's picture

He won't actually tell me that me saying that is the problem. It could be because of a a million other things going on .It is that he just went pretty silent after that conversation that didn't even need to happen. I bet he said he had to go to SD just to get my reaction. Like of course I will go . I wouldn't miss it. That didn't happen and I won't miss my nephews. I am by no means saying I will miss SD unless my nephews is  on the same day . We had discussed a while back about senior night and I had told him I won't be attending that and that is because I have my own issues . So please don't judge,and will not watch him walk with BM like all is good. He didn't have this reaction to that.