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RockyRoads's Blog

Update to staying after two years

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SS isn't staying tonight.  He was going to be out with his friends until 10.  And yes I know that is normal, but the kid said he wanted to spend time with SO and when they made the arrangements he said he wouldn't go out with his friends he was coming here.  It was not to just shower and sleep.  SO told him no. I was shocked but SO had told me earlier in the day that if this happened he would tell him no.  He almost gave in to SS.  But of course he said that they can try again another night.  And we did find out from SD that he is trying to avoid BM.

Staying after two years?

RockyRoads's picture

I am in tears. If you remember any of my posts SS has been disrespectful to my SO for years. He hasn't stayed at our house for over two. I don't know this child well and it is like he is a stranger.  BM finally started to get on him for his horrible attitude. My SO comes to me last night saying SS asked to stay over this weekend and he said he could.  I don't want this to happen. 

Never saying no

RockyRoads's picture

Hi guys. I don't know why I keep staying with this man.  You all know his kids don't stay with us and are not nice to him. He asks me if it is safe for SD to keep her prom dress here because of the cats and what he should tell her .  I said we are also going to be having two bathrooms remodeled. He then gets all upset because he said he told her yes. I told him it is on him what he does.  He then gets angry at me saying how can he tell Her no now.  I then asked him his thought process on why he acts like this towards me. He said I am always against his kids.

SD disappointed SO again

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Yes my saga never ends.  Every year SO takes SKs to mass on Christmas Eve. SD let SO know she wasn't going . Her new boyfriends family is having a get together. Mass is at 4pm to put it in context. SO is so upset but said of course he wants her to enjoy time with her boyfriend.  He thought he had one more time with her to do this.  I know he isn't always as  nice as he can be to me. But I guess this is a lot when your kids are getting older and you are losing them.  

Update to Working With Opposite Sex

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I know I give this man too many chances. I do it because he does have good qualities. I just put all the bad things on here. But I don't think he understands relationships because of what he has been through.  We talked a lot about the lie and I told him he must be honest with me. He said he worries so much about my temper. I will admit that I do get angry but it is because he is is hard headed and I think that makes me raise my voice a little and get upset.  And just after this talk I now realized that all he thinks is a temper is my opinion not being his.

Update to Working With Opposite Sex

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I know I give this man too many chances. I do it because he does have good qualities. I just put all the bad things on here. But I don't think he understands relationships because of what he has been through.  We talked a lot about the lie and I told him he must be honest with me. He said he worries so much about my temper. I will admit that I do get angry but it is because he is is hard headed and I think that makes me raise my voice a little and get upset.  And just after this talk I now realized that all he thinks is a temper is my opinion not being his.

BM pushes buttons

RockyRoads's picture

Things have been going really good. SD showed her true colors and  SO finally decided to leave me alone about not wanting to do anything with or for his kids. I have let him go thru football season going to partial football games on Friday nights (because SS is JV and doesn't really play) and going to all Saturday morning games without causing a fuss because I wasn't even asked to go.                                      

Update and realization

RockyRoads's picture

So last night was horrible for SO.  I did cave in and go to the pre dinner. SO pleased to not make him go alone.  I am glad i went.  SDs  step dad was dressed up so we knew he would also be walking. SD never told SO that  her stepdad was still going to do this. Even though my SO had asked if it was just him and BM several times. Each girl had pictures of growing up and SO was not in one of them.  Her step dad and step brothers were in several. My SO almost broke down he was so upset. I didn't go to the game but watched it live stream.
